VisioList Ranking Settings
Number of members to list per page - This value indicates the number of websites to show on each page, drag the slider, or type a number in the box.
Ranking period - How often should VisioList reset and calculate rankings
Ranking method - What criteria should VisioList rank your members websites by. "hits In" means how many unique clicks IN to your VisioList the member has sent, the members sites would be sorted by who has sent the most traffic down to who has sent the least. "Hits Out" means how many unique clicks out from your VisioList to your members site, and "Pageviews" means how many unique pageviews each members site has recorded. Note that pageviews are only counted when enabled in the button settings.
Featured member - this will randomly select a member from your VisioList on each pageview and display it in your wrapper. You will need to add {$featured_member} to wrapper.html after you turn this on, for easy integration you can add {$featured_member} just before {$content}. You can style the featured member box by editing the featured_member.html template in your skins folder.
Number of members to use the _top skin for - VisioList has a seperate design for the top "X" number of members, this setting will dictate how many members will get this "top" template. Commonly the top template will also show the members banner, or full description, or use bigger fonts etc. The look and feel of the top template is set in the table_top_row.html template while the rest of the ranks will use the table_row.html template.
Show ads after these ranks - this will insert ads between specified rankings. ad_break_top.html and ad_break.html are where you can paste your ad code to be inserted. If your break comes between sites using the "top" template, then ad_break_top.html will be used, otherwise ad_break.html will be used.
Fill blank rows with a message saying "Your Site Here" - this will fill the empty ranking slots on your list with a clickable link to your join form to encourage signups.