VisioList Premium Members
Premium members are treated as special members who are given extra exposure on your VisioList in several different ways.
Premium Member Templates
The first method for increasing exposure for premium members is the premium member templates, members with premium status will have a different layout from all the other members on your VisioList. This different layout is controlled from the templates in your skin and are fully customizable to your liking, you can change colors, fonts, graphics, backgrounds, borders, anything! The templates to alter are table_top_row_premium.html and table_row_premium.html.
Premium Member Banner
The premium members are also given the option to add a second banner (usually larger) to enhance their listing. This can be added to the templates listed above, or to the stats.html template using the tag: {$premium_banner_url}. It is also possible to use these banners elsewhere in your VisioList by making use of the "plugins" system, this way you can display random premium member banners in your header, footer, sidebar or anywhere else you might see fit. Remember, the goal with premium members is to increase exposure and ultimately out clicks. The better job you do with this, the more likely members will be to pay for the upgrade.
Check the VisioList plugins section for some nice extensions to make your "premium membership" more desirable.