VisioList 1.8 Instructions
Fresh Install Instructions
Download from below
Upgrade Instructions - Basic
1) Take a backup of your files and database in case something goes wrong
2) Upload and replace all the files from the update bundle ( ) via FTP
3) Run from your browser.
Upgrade Instructions - Manual edits
If you upgrade from a version older 1.6, please check previous version upgrade instructions
Upgrade Instructions - Plugins
Run a plugin update check
Changes for 1.8
- New default skin based on bootstrap 4.
- Added user unsubscribe from admin email box to admin edit member
- Updated usercp chart to use current Google API with improved responsive HTML
- Added fix for include external PHP file into pages
- Added fix for moved join_date field when generating all screenshots
- Added admin redirect after approving last of new members
- Added language tag for $LNG['vote'] = 'Vote'; and $LNG['a_vote'] = 'Vote';
- Updated plugins version check to work with new resource manager
- Added change admin password function to settings tab
- Updated search engine referrer detection
- New options in admin settings -> security. Added recaptcha to admin login, reset password, user control panel login, gateway and join form.
- New gateway page template to use form submit for votes. This allows for new options like form capture on the way in, as well as recaptcha.
- user_cp_login, lost_pw_form and gateway templates all will need {$join_recaptcha} tag added above the submit button if you want to use new recaptcha functions.
- added DB indexes to improve performance: sessions and ip_log
- installer now checks for https protocol and pre-populates list_url value.
- Fixed bug involving join date DB change on admin approve new member.
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3.2 MB Views: 5