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  1. Mark

    VisioList 0.4 Released

    We are proud to announce the release of VisioList 0.4, featuring several bug fixes, security patches, and some other minor improvements. head over to the downloads section and get your copy now
  2. Mark

    VisioList 0.3 Released

    We are proud to announce the release of VisioList 0.3, featuring enhanced category URL's and multiple sites per member capability among other improvements. head over to the downloads section and get your copy now
  3. Mark

    VisioList 0.3

    Hot on the heels of VisioList 0.2 comes 0.3. This update features several new features and improvements - Multiple sites per member - some improvements to the parabola skin - admin will load english language file first then the default language, this is to offer english values for languages...
  4. Mark

    VisioList 0.2

    Today we are pleased to release VisioList 0.2 with some major bug fixes, enhancements and cleanup. Fresh installs can follow the installation instructions in the User Manual if you are upgrading from VL 0.1, here are the upgrade instructions: 0) TAKE A FULL BACKUP OF YOUR FILES AND DATABASE...
  5. Mark

    VisioList 0.2 Released

    Today marks the release of VisioList 0.2. This release probably should have been split up into smaller releases but when the work is flowing we let it continue :) This version brings many code improvements and optimizations. A few new features of course as well. Head over to the downloads...
  6. Mark

    Aug 10 todo list

    some items to be updated for coming releases - default main menu moved into menu manager - moderator control panel - multiple sites per owner - 301 redirects from old URL's - evolution of the UI (ongoing) - add option to import banner from remote URL instead of using upload form - screeshot...
  7. Mark

    VisioList 0.1

    VisioList 0.1 including: - upgrader from Aardvark Topsites PHP - banner upload from admincp - banner importer which copies member banners from remote server to local (for aardvark topsite upgraded topsites) for those upgrading form past version or aardvark topsites, please ensure you have a...
  8. Mark

    New User Manual In The Works

    as we get closer to the gold release of VisioList I have started the official user manual, please bear with me as this is created, documentation is probably the most challenging part of this adventure for me. If you have a specific topic you need help with feel free to post here and I will do...
  9. Mark

    Gold Release Scheduled for August 1

    At this time it looks like we can expect the stable (gold) release of Visiolist version 1.0.0 on August 1. A few final touches and minor fixes will be wrapped up, then a release of one last "Release Candidate" in the next few days will be available for testing. Thanks again to everyone for...
  10. Mark

    Review system - your thoughts

    any thoughts on how to handle ratings and reviews? this is usually a heavily abused part of topsites and as you might have noticed has been mostly left out of VisioList up until now. do we need ratings and reviews at all? and if so, what can we do to make them more useful? Your feedback is...
  11. Mark

    Screenshot API Server

    As of today the server responsible for generating screenshots is offline due to a failed motherboard. This server is not located in a datacenter (since the product has not yet officially launched) so I need to build a new machine for this. The parts are on order, I will post back here as soon...
  12. Mark

    VisioList Release Candidate 1

    Here is the release candidate, for fresh installs only. If you are upgrading from Aardvark Topsites please contact me and I will do the upgrade free of charge so I can do some real world testing. If you have installed the RC1draft already there is no need to do this update.
  13. Mark

    VisioList RC1 Draft

    This release includes all reported bug fixes as well as some new functionality to upgrade from previous VisioList release: -Do NOT overwrite your settings_sql.php or button_config.php -upload all other files to your server -go to admin -> plugins and click the install icon beside Screenshots...
  14. Mark


    VERSION 1.2# This plugin tracks member referrals. When a visitor clicks a button on one your members sites, then joins your VisioList that will count as a "referral". Referrals for each member are linked from the members stats page. to install, download the zip attached, then upload the zip...
  15. Mark

    VisioList Beta 1.1

    Here is an updated version with some bug fixes. Thanks to everyone for the reports, keep em coming :)
  16. Mark

    Ambiguity of "topsite"

    Up until a couple of years ago the word "topsite" meant only one thing to me. A website that ranks other websites, usually by way of traffic stats, or incoming clicks (votes). However as a few of the members of OSempire explored the "topsite" page on wikipedia it soon became clear that there...
  17. Mark

    VisioList Beta 1

    VisioList Beta 1 will be posted here later today. There are a few known issues I am working to resolve: 1) language abstraction - most of the changes do not make use of the multi language variables. I was hoping to have a more elegant user interface for handling the languages before launching...
  18. Mark

    SEO Plugin

    VERSION 1.3# This is the start of a larger ongoing project. For now this plugin adds the following abilities 1. Input meta description and keywords from the VisioList admin panel. Used on pages except categories, stats pages. For categires edit any category and input your description and...
  19. Mark

    Customizing your style with Jquery UI

    1) visit: 2) Roll your own theme or download a premade theme 3) upload the css file and the images folder to overwriting the current jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.css (check to ensure you have the correct version in wrapper.html where this...
  20. Mark

    Feedback on Google Translate

    I usually dont put much faith in automated translations, but since I am at the moment investigating all options for VisioLists multi language feature, and Google translate is by far the easiest to integrate and also offers the advantage of translating user data (site descriptions, titles etc)...