For those of you using Network Solutions you might have noticed several hours of downtime thus far today, its the result of a DDOS attack. We wish you all the best recovering from this latest attack, just goes to show DDOS attacks can affect anyone.
Hello folks, just a note that I will be moving to a new dedicated server tonight.
The forum and members area will be unavailable while the migration takes place. I expect this will only take about 10 minutes and we will be back to normal in a new home.
Thanks for your patience!
What does it do?
This plugin will display the website response code on the manage inactive members page of the admin panel. If a website is dead, unregistered, unhosted etc you can investigate and remove.
How do I use it?
Go to your manage inactive members page of your admin...
I have picked up a fantastic deal on a rack of servers and have some for sale at amazing prices
All servers come with your choice of centOS, Debian, Fedora, or Ubuntu.
All servers are 2x quad core Xeon CPU. CPU resources split in proportion to account size.
VPS1 $10/mo - 20GB Disk Space /...
in this tutorial we will look at using conditionals in plugins to show/hide content on certain pages using simple PHP.
//Show on Custom Pages Only
if(isset($FORM['page'])) {
$TMPL['something'] = 'This is visible only on custom pages';
//Show on a specific custom page that has ID...
We are starting to plan the next generation of the premium member module, as always we are interested in feedback from our users.
What we have planned is:
- Set time based on days instead of weeks.
- bidding system option so members can bid on top positions, high bidder gets top spot
So a few years ago I was contracted to skin an Aardvark Topsite, the job went fine and the owner did a good job promoting and building it up. Over the past year or 2, he has sold the site to a new owner and the site has pretty much been neglected to the point of near death, many of the sites...
With the introduction of our new centralized members area comes a much improved affiliate system.
The upsides:
- Better reporting
- Centralized login
- More tools
The downside:
- If you were a user of the original affiliate system, you will need to update your links to use the new...
I am working on a new member management system so we can move away from swreg, and I need some real world testers. If you have a few minutes please start a private conversation with me and I'll provide a few steps for you to follow to help me with testing.
Sure, you can translate.
1) open languages/import/english.php
2) make a copy and name it french.php (or whatever the name of your language is)
3) open that copy and translate the phrases and save
4) import this language using admin -> content tab -> manage languages
5) optionally share the...
We are proud to announce the release of VisioList 0.9, featuring several bug fixes, security patches, and many user requested improvements including custom fields management from the admin panel!
head over to the downloads section and get your copy now
As of today we have a fully supported data importer for those of you ToplistX and AutoRankPHP users out there. The importer is absolutely free and brings all of your members and categories into Visiolist.
1) Take a backup before beginning (the importer does not modify...
it seems several server environments use the /stats/ path for internal use, the result is some VisioList users are unable to use clean url's on those hosts.
So we have decided to change our path to the members "stats" pages.
I was going to use /profile/ but I realize in some languages other...
This is a beta release, if you encounter any bugs reply below.
What this mod does:
Adds a "long description" field to join form and edit pages to allow your members to spice up their profile page.
Why a seperate field? why not just add this to the existing description...
Anyone using VisioList .07 or older please update your core before applying this plugin
1) if you use clean urls, add the following to your .htaccess file located in the topsite root
RewriteRule ^sendmessage/ index.php?a=sendmessage [L]
add the above under...