Search results

  1. Mark

    Implemented Inactive sites - disabled stats/details page

    When a site is pending approval, the stats page still works if the URL is entered manually. Lets make it so its doesn't. This will discourage spammers hitting lists that may have lazy admins. 1 reported user from another toplist has 123,000 pending members (all spam obviously) and sure...
  2. Mark

    Implemented Override info.php for child

    child theme can have its own info.php and screenshot that can be loaded into admin if present.
  3. Mark

    Boostrap 3 - responsive

    Mark submitted a new resource: Boostrap 3 - responsive - A framework to use as a base for your own responsive theme Read more about this resource...
  4. Mark

    SEO Plugin

    Mark submitted a new resource: SEO Plugin - A little extra SEO love for your VisioList Read more about this resource...
  5. Mark

    Unclutter - Get Inactive Website Status

    Mark submitted a new resource: Unclutter - Get Inactive Website Status - shows dead websites for easier maintenance Read more about this resource...
  6. Mark

    Contact Form

    Mark submitted a new resource: Contact Form - Ads a simple contact form to your VisioList Read more about this resource...
  7. Mark


    Mark submitted a new resource: Twitter - Automatically Posts to twitter when new member joins Read more about this resource...
  8. Mark

    RSS Feed Importer

    Mark submitted a new resource: RSS Feed Importer - Show members RSS feeds on details page Read more about this resource...
  9. Mark

    StopForumSpam API integration

    Mark submitted a new resource: StopForumSpam API integration - block known spammers from joining Read more about this resource...
  10. Mark

    Disqus Comments

    Mark submitted a new resource: Disqus Comments - visitors can post comments to members details pages Read more about this resource...
  11. Mark

    Affiliate Tracker

    Mark submitted a new resource: Affiliate Tracker - track member referrals Read more about this resource...
  12. Mark

    Bootstrap 3 - Beta

    Here is the initial release of the bootstrap 3 responsive theme framework. On its own its just default bootstrap, but its an excellent base to build your own custom child theme. This should be considered a "beta" release as testing has been minimal due to time constraints. If you spot any...
  13. Mark

    VisioList 1.2

    Fresh Install Instructions Upgrade from 0.9 Instructions Due VisioList 1.0 being a milestone, you first have to perform the 1.0 upgrade Upgrade from 1.0 Instructions - Take a backup of your files and database in case something goes wrong -...
  14. Mark

    Google hangout - discuss the future of VL!

    Hey everyone, I was thinking about setting up a "Google Hangout" on Sunday Nov 24 to discuss some of the cool ideas we have been kicking around for VisioList 2.0 a roundtable discussion about: - the overall direction of the VisioList project - some ideas about the new user registration and...
  15. Mark

    Implemented Real time mass mail status

    As each email is sent, show address it was sent to. Use output buffer or Ajax
  16. Mark

    Guest Blogging Plugin

    Hello all, today I am pleased to start a topic about a new plugin that is in the works that I would like your feedback on. "Guest Blogging" has been a hot topic for the past few years and it seems it would make a great add on for VisioList, adding quality content to your sites is more...
  17. Mark

    Customizing Your VisioList

    VisioList aims to separate user customizations from the core skins files to allow for easier upgrades and maintenance. To this end, VisioList employs a few simple techniques to allow complete customization without hacking the core files. 3 simple rules Any template edits you make ensure its in...
  18. Mark

    Over $500 in prizes! VisioList Skin Contest

    Hello all, to celebrate the release of VisioList 1.0 I thought it would be nice to run a contest to hopefully help us get some new skins happenin :) What you do: 1) Create a child skin from parabola 2) Graphics and code must be unique, do not integrate someone elses work as your own 3)...
  19. Mark

    VisioList 1.0

    First, thanks to everyone who helped test and ensure the initial Visiolist 1.0 installs and updates nicely and is relatively bug free (we squashed all we could find). VisioList 1.0 is another major milestone for the project, adding several new features and cleaning up some long overdue issues...
  20. Mark

    Automatic Upgrades!

    With the release of VisioList 1.0 licensed customers can keep their sites up to date and secure without any extra effort! - no more downloading the zip file, extracting it, and uploading the bundle to your server! - our upgrade server connects direct to your server via FTP and uploads the new...