Search results

  1. CrazyCoder

    i renew ! i renew !!!!! here comes my new VL

    wooooo mummy, i need to import french language, where is it ??? booooooo ok ok ===> "search is an amazing feature" ... lollll ;) ok done
  2. CrazyCoder

    i renew ! i renew !!!!! here comes my new VL

    haaaaaaaaaa MARK how ur doin buddy, hihihii you did so much improvements, yeaahhh discovering admin panel and new functions , u know lol huuumm lets report some error i get, along next days, if u dont mind :))) example ...
  3. CrazyCoder

    i renew ! i renew !!!!! here comes my new VL

    arfff 1st error on my side : CGI PHP NOT detected. You MAY encounter some file ownership problems when editing files uploaded through the admin interface what should i ask to my host to add to my server, please ? :))))))
  4. CrazyCoder

    i renew ! i renew !!!!! here comes my new VL

    from left to right :::::: BASTI => yeaaaaaa i found something new to code !!! MARK => Nooooo, dammed this guy gonna drive me crazy ... no more free week end coz of him, grrrrr calm down a few buddy !!! The others 2, well some of US ;)))))))))
  5. CrazyCoder

    i renew ! i renew !!!!! here comes my new VL

    hahaa yeaaahhhhhhh, mummy was proud about my effort to restart on coding, considering my actual 2008 started aardwark top list still running fine, and earning money, not dat much but a 20$ a month in average, so mummy said => ok ok renew ur baby, hihiii SO AM BACK !!!!!! cant wait to install...
  6. CrazyCoder

    Need writers :)

    are those ads buying possibilities a part of VL ? or some mods ? am still on the 0.6 release, lol, upgrading soon so am wondering
  7. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    done ! in the hope i created the cron job correctly, hihihiii, lets see, ... this way, every 15 minutes the file will be run AND i separated each website, calculating a new random vote value, so its more realistic and smooth, here i attach my final file ;) in the case someone is interrested to...
  8. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    huuummm ... thinking about creating a cron job, so putting this code into an external file, to make it run each 30 minutes. so i could make looks those "virtual" votes, more realistics, lol ... will report tomorrow if i succeed.
  9. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    yeahhhhhh super great, hihii i just could order my domain name, 12.99$ 1 year, cant wait to buy my VL renew, lets see to pick up more money from mummy, next week, haha yeahhhhh mummy is great too, lol ;) thanks again Basti ;)
  10. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    is it possible to give a random value integer to $my_site_votes ? something like : $my_site_votes = rand(1, 150); ?
  11. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    yeahhh gret gret , woooo thanks you so much basti !!!! u rock, ... i made a file long time ago, to do this manually, this was a nightmare, lol , i just upload it to show you ook, gonna try to add YOUR code, some stuff to busy my day, hihiii :)
  12. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    hello people, so yeah another stupid idea, but ... just in order to devellop a new site, i would like to add random votes, each day, to several site i registered bymyself yesss its bad, bad, bad, but this way i can make my new site, quickly known and attractive to real new members so, a few...
  13. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    ouki, ya gonna wait :))) playing around with my css, in the delay :) thank u guy
  14. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    thank u anyway basti, next month ! mummy gonna loose 30 buxs, hihiiii yaaaaaaaaaa :)
  15. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    arfff mummy said : no, not this month, hihiii, so gonna hard code this in the core files, just to finish it and be able to put my site online. upgrading next month i hope ;)
  16. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    heyy bastiiiiii we posted at same time, hihiii well i would like to upgrade, but : 1) have not enough money right now 2) dammed dont remember where and how to upgrade
  17. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    arff its a nightmare, am just trying to add an extra field on join and edit user stuff, booooo i saw i was missing a file, added it : join_fields.php but nope, all i do is turn and turn around, hihiii ok ok am a zero, too old, what ever, need to get some rest or rest in peace 4ever, muuaaaa...
  18. CrazyCoder

    plugin = Tags Cloud

    hello to the community !! So, am still using the 0.6 VL version, planning to upgrade, once i'll get enough money, so not right now, arrfff anyway, i made a Tags Cloud plugin, well of course i tried and its not working, lol :) i attach here what i've done, reading at the edit file at...
  19. CrazyCoder

    Hellooo VL !

    me again :) so collecting a few buxs in order to renew my VL , lol, and lets see if after i can finalize this new site, hihiii see u soon ;)
  20. CrazyCoder

    Hellooo VL !

    hey cajkan, thank you :)))))))) hihihi yeah i was active in the past, lol, MAINLY .... "eating" mark and basti brains with my weird requests, hihihiii asking and asking all the time after this or dat, lol then i had a long trouble way to walk throught in my life, now all is fine again and am...