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  1. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    removed from the error function , dat was the only difference between the vl error classe and my old arrdwark error classe
  2. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i found out !!!!!!!!!!!!! removed header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hahahaaaaa yessssssssssss am not so bad hey basti ;)
  3. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    ;)yeah it was just an example, putting the username :)
  4. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    ok i tried using my fesh new vl 1.2 install, so => so i put this as a button on a site : <a href=""> <img src="" alt="lanuaire francophone" border="0"></a> i click it i reach my top site, the...
  5. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    coz now i desactivated cloudflare :) ok i reactivate it now. i let it activated till u can retry and see by yourself the issue please :)
  6. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    i dont think so, here my htaccess ::: i have nothing different at rootn than several own php files i use for my custom functions, not related to anything of the vl core
  7. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    ha cooooolll and will we be able to count votes using another page ? so not putting button.php as the image if u get me well :: maybe something like this ==> <a href="mysiteadress/votescount.php"><img src="anyimage.anyextension"></a> if i dont use anymore the button.php, wich file should i...
  8. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    hehe no my friend, i am really very poor, i pay 20$ a month for my server, and i cannot pay 1$ more, so i must find a way, or i will be oblige to end my activities my host already added the maximum ram he could, 1GO ram, they cannot help me more, or the boss will kick me out :) i must find...
  9. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    this would be very usefull for small server, or average server becoming to get too many members calling the button.php :p
  10. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    here is an example ========> we could even offer several differents image format, let translate the text in red :::: Note: Right click on the image and save it on your server upload FTP then replace yourdomain in the link below with the path to the image from your site.
  11. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    as an example, 1) at admin page, button parameters, we would get a new option : []offer a simple link this would hide all others button options. and at the link code on member page : 2) we'll show an image users would need to get 3) the link code for members will show this simple link <a...
  12. CrazyCoder

    get rid of button.php

    hello, is there a way to get rid of button.php ? i mean just offering a simple link to my topsite, with a simple image, not getting through button.php so counting votes, going through gateway will be decide into another file. this way would eliminates intensive use of my small server just...
  13. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    here it is, i think the same as in parabola :)
  14. CrazyCoder

    vl chat !

    no a chat for us !, just allow brain equiped people, hahahaa lol a small chatbox to wish a good evening, talk about whats for dinner, just for selected vl members , adult responsable, well educated, the premium vl members hahaha u see ? ;) nevermind just an idea ;)
  15. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    i wonder if i could add a 404.shtml and a 500.html page at root ... comparing to my old aardwark running under cloudflare too, i have those 2 pages and i can make any mistakes at login as i want, error pages are ok so maybe aplly the same solution to vl ? :):)
  16. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    1) so defined parabola as default skin 2) reactivated cloudflare and same issue login process errors, lead to a page not found :(:eek: its only the login, u can register a site, make many mistakes, its ok the errors are loaded ( marked as the red axterix ) so its when a site is pending admin...
  17. CrazyCoder

    ha yes i need to translate the french menu and to finish the links, ok ok not a big deal, i need to sleep , see uuuuuuuuu
  18. CrazyCoder

    vl chat !

    yeahhh we need a vl chat !! a shoutbox lol, i dont know to write anything we want, just to express our joy, our pleasure to be here, part of this great community so please laurel and hardy ! just do it !!!! hihihiiiiiii dont mind ok , mark and basti, am a funny one u know ;) but what ? would...
  19. CrazyCoder

    hahaaaa ok ok i did it ! mobile devices fully compliant , yeaaaahhhhhh great of mine :rolleyes::D:p initial scale fixed at 0.5, dats better for my own devices, wich are very very very ....... old ones, yes am very very very poor, woo god :eek::(:(:(:( seems my default style is ok, along with...
  20. CrazyCoder

    recover lost password by email

    haaaa yesssss #1 marky :p