Search results

  1. CrazyCoder

    recover lost password by email

    yeah, ofently, people dont remember their username, haha cretinous kids, its onto their button code, but sometimes am not around and they become crazy, wooo kids ... so, would it be possible to offer the choice ? recover password : by username by email with some checkbox by example :)
  2. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    yeah its cloudflare bugging, pffffff cloudflare !!! just wait after some kick :D:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. CrazyCoder

    ( cloudflare )user login does not exists leads to a not found page

    as title says : when i try to login, using some non registered member, it leads me to a not found page, instead of telling me some error message : member does not exists i guess, its related to cloudflare, gonna try to shut down cloudflare and report ... EDIT : ok its caused by cloudflare...
  4. CrazyCoder

    hehe, so after upgrading to vl 1.2, more or less 1 week of hard work ... i think its almost ok i did a new brand design, much more common, pleasant i hope to most people put a few stuff of my own, and dats it :) started the SEO job, am on in for a few weeks, haha u all know ;) am open minded...
  5. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    nooooooooo what a cretinous i am !!!!! $reviews_on = 1; noooooooooooooo :eek::eek::eek: basti, please dont shoot ... :confused::confused::( ..." down on my knees i'm begging you ... down on my knees i'm begging you ... down on my knees i'm begging you .... ou ou dont shoot me !!!!"...
  6. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    ok, so i miss something from vl 0.6 to vl 1.2 i changed by myself but cant remember, sorry bast i i investigate ....
  7. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    something weid somewhere, my lost brain dont get, on my vl 0.6 its shown, on the vl 1.2 nope, both clean urls disabled , same lines for reviews onto htaccess ...
  8. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    thanks for help basti, but excuse me i dont understand, i already got those lines
  9. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    woo god .. what should i do ? autokill me ? sucide me, if its right english said, lol woo basti sorry :rolleyes::rolleyes: oops, ok ok so i changed the link to review but now, reviews are not shown, arrfff i miss something else somewhere ... sometimes ... in a summer times ... :p
  10. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    am closed to the fianl result i wish, arrghh am sorry to disturb you about my own mods, i swear i will not ask for much more, within 1 or 2 days, i know how u are all so fully busy buddies ;)
  11. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    another small fix i need, certainly my mistake, once i want to rate a site, i get a blanck page , as example => seems its since i moved my site to its final adress, coz on my test site, i could rate and review, of course i added the...
  12. CrazyCoder

    adding random votes

    oops seems i forgot something hihi have a look please => DailyUnique InTotal InUnique OutTotal Out Average10.510.50.00.0 Today10510500 no in unique + no out total out how would i fix this ? please, seems i must add another query for those 2 ones i guess 2 differents random values for both...
  13. CrazyCoder

    Other ways to cheating

    :eek::mad:bad boys, bad world, haha lol
  14. CrazyCoder

    Other ways to cheating

    maybe we could add something to the voting procedure, an icon captcha !!! hahahaa no robots would be able to use it, i think so have a look there => i think this one must be activated by real humans, whats ur opinion ? gonna try to add it to gateway page...
  15. CrazyCoder

    Other ways to cheating

    done, security addon, lol :p:D
  16. CrazyCoder

    Other ways to cheating

    huummm and where do u put this script basti ? what about those autoclick i've been told but dont get how it can vote , autovote, as the cms check users voting ip !!!???
  17. CrazyCoder

    Multi Theme support

    got selectskin and selectlang, but its more to my pleasure, yes members really dont care about, mostly
  18. CrazyCoder

    [API] Smush it

    1) use cloudflare 2) put all caching possibilities needed rules to ur .htaccess, by example : # disable the server signature- helps with preformance ServerSignature Off ## contrôle du cache navigateur - Expire headers <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access...
  19. CrazyCoder

    Trackingcode in e-mail

    ... or just add a text to the bottom registration form : "once ur account approved, dont forget to come back, login, and get ur vote button code, then place it to ur site wherever u want, in order for your site to be ranked" with something blinking, or whatever to catch their attention...
  20. CrazyCoder

    Compression testers wanted

    very interresting, i personnaly use GZIP compression for a long time : GZIP CompressionEnabled Size, Original125660 Bytes Size, Compressed21896 Bytes Compression Ratio82.58%