Search results

  1. CrazyCoder

    Hellooo VL !

    hi basti !!!! nice to hear from u again 1) for the system the site is shown 1 or 2 or 3 hour on a special block, people use the allopass system in fact u pay 6 euros and u get 10 allopass codes to be used , each code place ur site for 3 hours into this special blcok so i could make something...
  2. CrazyCoder

    Hellooo VL !

    ok time to get some rest ;) i think, i can reuse the premium membership system, add more options, as 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours , .... simply offer a paypal payment create a new block, called by example : focus on this site at the moment and put in it , the site whom just bought a special...
  3. CrazyCoder

    Hellooo VL !

    ouuchhh its been a very long time i did not come here, u did a long walk guys !!! Hi mark, basti and all members :))) So, am about to finish my VL 0.7 website, changes in my life allow me NOW, to restart on coding :)))))) i would like you, buddies, evyone wanting to, to come to visit what i...
  4. CrazyCoder

    Improved Ads plugin

    lol yeap, its not drawn for mobile phone, i've got a 1000px theme for tablets, called (Modern514), the defaut theme (Modern513) is the most used by visitors, as they mainly use their Desktop PC to vote, and most of them are up from 1280x1024 screen resolution, but VL i will use it on my new top...
  5. CrazyCoder

    Improved Ads plugin

    wooo pretty cool, many thanks man about this big info ! its really exactly what i was looking for, this will definitly improved my top liste, just come to visit it my buddies, its an aardwark one, totally redesigned, html5 and css3 compliant, powered by jquery, using awesome flash charts, and...
  6. CrazyCoder

    Improved Ads plugin

    ha ok thanks, i thought u would put the links right here, so we can discuss about of all of us :), i had a look at the Morus system he advised, its just amazing, really, very complete, hey Morus :))) please, this page : is showing the code you bought ? the all...
  7. CrazyCoder

    Improved Ads plugin

    well well well if you can tell us someothers to try, go on, dats exactly what i needed to boost my top sites, hihihiii :) get more cash ...
  8. CrazyCoder

    Improved Ads plugin

    hello guys, wooooooo seems its just what i was goin to ask about, hihihii gonna give it a try many thanks Morus !
  9. CrazyCoder

    online shop not working for me

    yesssss youpiiiiii i finally can join the communauty for real, with my own copy, yeaaahhh heheeeeee gonna ask about a particular stuff i need, but into the right forum section :) see you around within a few days :) am just waiting after my new domain registration to complete :) thank you mark...
  10. CrazyCoder

    online shop not working for me

    hi mark, basti :) first of all, happy new year, yeahhhhh loll so, to me its not possible to complete the order of VL, grrr grrr grrrr i told you in the past, mark, there is a bug somewhere, and now its happening again look at the screenshot please and tell me what do i do wrong ? i dont...
  11. CrazyCoder

    Disqus Comments

    so i guess i could look at this file import format and code a small function to add comments to vl db, according to matching fields, dat should not be a nightmare, hihihiiiii i'll give it a try, and maybe add a cron job to execute this once a week, just in case, i dont like very much any...
  12. CrazyCoder

    Disqus Comments

    hi mark, am wondering if this plugin save comments to db, if not, is it possible for you to code this ? because in case this service will become obsolete, we will loose all comments right ?
  13. CrazyCoder

    Creating a complex plugin - TagCloud

    Hiiii buddies :)))) today, i gonna give you my work on a TagCloud plugin, hihihii, its unfinished and i need some help on a few things, very simple, i still not succeed to complete, arrfff am doin some ridiculous mistakes on my codes, woooooooooooo i probably will find them within a few...
  14. CrazyCoder


    hi guys, huuumm what about setting up a session, neverending :)))) hihihiiiiiii then set in the session, some counter, allowing to vote every 24 hours. on my tracker, my sessions do not allow to use vpn or router or proxy :)
  15. CrazyCoder

    UTF-8 Done !

    yop yop basti, thanks for care :)))) wooo u know its just a passion, a big occupation to me, a kind of satisfaction when i do want to reach a goal and i succeed, of course many times its not the shorter way, as for my very funny and special tracker, i spent about 1500 hours , when i could save...
  16. CrazyCoder

    UTF-8 Done !

    haaaaaaaa i knew this was on its way , on your sides, hihiiii but arrffff this made my day :))) and its another occasion to read at all your files, and get more knowledge of VL ! :) so congrats about this new version, for sure less http headers declarations sounds good ! have a great week end...
  17. CrazyCoder

    UTF-8 Done !

    yeahah yeahhh its not gonna change, UTF-8 fully done, grrr grrr grrrr this drove me crazy, hbihihiiii all files converted, ALL !!! all tables, set names , charsets, meta, http headers ... All just fine, oufffffffffffff :)))))))))))))
  18. CrazyCoder

    Creating a very simple plugin - Part 2

    ok great :)))) have a nice week end, am right now finishing utf-8 ... still a bug somewhere, lol ....
  19. CrazyCoder

    Creating a very simple plugin - Part 2

    nope, as a plugin i fail about this one skin changer. the only way its really 100% running without any conflicts, Means you can have : 1 browser tab opened to visit the site, change a skin to another + 1 browser tab showing the admin both at the same time and bothn with their own skin, its...
  20. CrazyCoder

    Creating a very simple plugin - Part 2

    arffffff morning guys :)))))) nooooooooooooooooooo not HIM !!!!!!! not again !!!!!!! you must think, ouuuuchhhhhh :)))) well, heuuuuuu may i continue to post ? oops, i hope i do not reach your patiente and kindness limits :) so, i redone another time my skinchanger, why ? lol, because...