Creating a complex plugin - TagCloud


Hiiii buddies :))))

today, i gonna give you my work on a TagCloud plugin, hihihii,
its unfinished and i need some help on a few things, very simple,
i still not succeed to complete, arrfff
am doin some ridiculous mistakes on my codes,
woooooooooooo i probably will find them within a few days, lol, as usual, BUT
This time , if someone is interrested to have a lookt at where i am on this plugin,
so do not hesitate to collaborate :))))))))

Once this part done, this TagCloud will use a flash template, on wich am already working.
The flash is ok, i just have to finish the xml file management, woooo just some fopen, fputs, fclose,
haaaahaaaaa not a big deal, the main point was about to find a real good flasqh cloud, working, lol

so here the step on where i am :)

