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  1. CrazyCoder

    Implemented Manage Hook Positions in side colums via admin cp

    wouuchhh ok ok i see, i will look in deeper at your plugin manager, if i find a way before you, i'll report it to you :) To go ahead faster, i modified the core to suits to my buddy crazy and mad wishes, but i am now coming back to the original core, and converting all of my new codes onto...
  2. CrazyCoder

    Woooo Congratulations guys !

    ok gonna compile the plugins i already coded :))) but about the work my buddy asked to me to do, it was so complex, i had to re write several parts of the core, You know this guy asked about a crayness, hihiiiii so i had no choice, many stuff was totally impossible to customize, without...
  3. CrazyCoder

    Implemented Manage Hook Positions in side colums via admin cp

    hey Mark, i got an idea for you ;) just have a look at the block manager of torrent trader ! :))))) i give you the link of one of my demo site, because i used to code for years for them ;) i send you the username and password by pm, so you can login and go...
  4. CrazyCoder

    Woooo Congratulations guys !

    Yeahhh, as a php coder, not so bad, hihihiiiii, sometimes lost, sometimes great, i really wanted to CONGRATS Mark, Basti and all people involved in this Project, VisioList !!!! You've done something really amazing guys :)))) I am right now coding a special version, special features and complex...
  5. CrazyCoder

    an example of html5 & css3 heyyyyyyyy Mark , Heyyyyy Basti !!! I did it !!! HTML5 & CSS3 !!! go have a look, please and say something :) Give me some feedback, heheeee Tchooooooooo i've no money, but i code ! dammed ... So, its closed to be finished, the structure is there, its nice...
  6. CrazyCoder

    Aadwark skin changer for visitors

    ouff oufffff its running well, except, i have to refresh the page, up to see the new skin, after each skin change, so i need to fix it, heheeee BUT later, now its time to relax a few :)))) Go to my site to test it, PLZ : site is in french, and not all is...
  7. CrazyCoder

    Aadwark skin changer for visitors

    haaaaaaaaaaaa i am closed to be done, i used the wrong var $conf instead of $tmpl, booo boooo shame on me so my coide looks like now : //######## NEW CODE about SKIN_CHANGER ########// // // determine the skin from DB - the defaut skin // if...
  8. CrazyCoder

    Aadwark skin changer for visitors

    hahaaa am so stupid, seems thsi week end am really too tired, i mistaken on my code : look : First time i change the skin its almost ok, BUT its relaoding the index page keeping the defaut skin, AFTER this, i refresh one time the...
  9. CrazyCoder

    Aadwark skin changer for visitors

    Hi Basti, hi Mark !!! So, i know this forum is about VisioList, but, as i started to talk about my project, to code a visitors topsite skin changer, i thought, you would not become angry after me, if i put a new topic HERE, arfffff ooops :)))) SO, its about my idea of a Aardwark Topsite...
  10. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    screen shot from FF :) all standards respected, gonna test it with W3C online validator ... later right now, need to relax a few .... ;)))))))))))
  11. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    good evening dudes :))) UTF-8 done on my test page :))))) so , just i just re encoded this html page + my iframe_content01.html + the css files as i dont already use js files, i will convert them later and add them :) haaaa i also...
  12. CrazyCoder

    Coding as usual !!!

    Coding as usual !!!
  13. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    i forgot to answer about AJAX !!!!!! am addicted to it, hihiii i built my own script, based on the wonderful tiny ajax routine :) i would be interrested in testing yours :) but, FIRST, let me HELP and prove what i can do, if its a quality work :) bye ..... beginning to fall asleep on the...
  14. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    about SEO, i dont understand well, you said : why is this bad ? the header will load many times, and send and send meta tags thousands times a day, its just the delay the user is visiting, IF THE USER jsut wanna save time, he can click on the content of the site, wich is the iframe, and just...
  15. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    did you notice the jquery styff overthere ? please take 10 minutes of your precious time, and visit it, i would like if you appreciate all the stuff i did, JQUERY !!!!! mamamiaaaaa its a miracle , isnt it ? :)))))))
  16. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    ... supporting evidence .... 1) my JPAL shoutbox simple php, write and reread perfectly in utf8 :) 2) my LISA shoutbox , ajax php, write and reread perfectly to FTP files :)
  17. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    ok great done, i did not knew about the system very well, about use of ajax, just make some declarations, this come to my approach of light server ressources use, yes yes !!!!!!!! look, finally i did not slept, and almost finished the first implementation of html5 : have a look here ...
  18. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    yeah this should not be a very big deal, but i got no time to finish it right now :))) i just did a css java switcher. i wish a full theme or template changer, very nice for visitors, and also to build new theme or template, when you do not get much space on FTP as me , up to work and create new...
  19. CrazyCoder

    VisioList full release HTML5 & CSS3

    hehe hi Mark !!! thanks for taking time to answer to me :)))) About UTF8, several stuff have to be done when connecting to the DB, and of course all files must be, Encode in UTF-8 without BOM and its better to start each php file with : <?php header('Content-type: text/html...
  20. CrazyCoder

    Customizing your style with Jquery UI

    in the <head> ..... </head> section of the wrapper.html, you call the css files & some scripts :) an example : <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.min.js"></script>