wouuchhh ok ok i see, i will look in deeper at your plugin manager,
if i find a way before you, i'll report it to you

To go ahead faster, i modified the core to suits to my buddy crazy and mad wishes,
but i am now coming back to the original core, and converting all of my new codes onto plugins,
well, as far its possible, considering the result we wanted to reach.
i understand it would be a real nightmare to update the core it in the future,
if updates mismatche with my own modifications.
And in addition, as my buddy is not a coder, i will have to do it for him at alltimes.
So, with careness i do my best to adpat my new codes to the original core.
there are just a few stuff, i dont think its possible to convert as plugins,
i had to modify the core behavior,
and some changes seems impossible to realize without those customizations.
if you wanna take a look at my stuff, i'll give you the test site adress by pm
Anyway, once finished, i'll post the link at your forum.