Search results

  1. Anna

    Buttons -again

    Hi guys! The dynamic button at the bottom (the square one that show both rank, pageviewss and hitsIn on the same time) - is it possible to get that animated and still keep the dynamic showing of statistics? What format does it in such case need to be saved in?
  2. Anna

    How do you know that you are successful?

    What would your definition of a successful toplist be? A continous increase in hits In/Out? Is your definitionthe same depending on the size 0f the list? How about if you choose HitsIn or Pageview as ranking method? The reason why I asking is that I do not know if what I am doing is working...
  3. Anna

    Switch order

    Wondering if there is a possibility to switch order of appereance of category, toplistname and member-site name? As it is today on google I will see: *My topplistname* - *Categoryname* - *Name on blog/webpage* I would like it to be: *Name on blog/webpage*- *Categoryname* - *My topplistname*...
  4. Anna

    More buttons?

    Is it possible to add more button-choices than the three allready for members to choose from? Reason to ask is that I have started to play around with animated badges (Feeling kind of proud actually) but I realise that not everyone want animations on their site or blog...
  5. Anna

    Membership Fold

    I keep on chewing and pondering! ;) How do you guys select how many members to show on the front page and how many of those that get to use the topstyle and why? I understand ofc that lists come in all different kinds of sizies. But if you could give any kind of approximation in % that would be...
  6. Anna

    Random thoughts...

    If you sort by HitsIn and two sites get the same hits in - how are they distinguished then? Alphabeticly, number of page views? How about when you use Page Views and got the same number of views? How is then distinguished?
  7. Anna


    Two things when it comes to the API-Key for screenshots: 1) Can I use the same key for several different lists or do I ned to register a new for a list? 2) If I need a new one - may this be the reason why out screenshots are not working properly? We using an old and obsolete key...
  8. Anna

    Spam reviewers

    It was a matter of time I suppose - but I have been found by spam-reviewers (Reviews written total in random but a loooooooooooooooots of them). I delete them ofc (I have set that Reviews have to be approved, but is there any way for me to bann the reviewers IP? Like you do when you have...
  9. Anna

    Just want to do small changes

    OK, I am a simple girl and do not have that high demands so I just want to do small tweaks so that every different list I create feels unique. What I want to be able to do is: -Change the background, preferably with a transparent photo or similar. But changing color works too. -Change color of...
  10. Anna


    Very short therms: Whats the differences between the keywords and the description that you add for SEO purposes? In my list I kind of feel that description is only a more fleshed out version of keywords....?
  11. Anna

    Implemented User removal

    I have two wishes that both surrounds removal of users, one volontairily and one not 1) I have had requests from users to be able themselves to remove their site and themselves as users to the list. As it is now they have to request that from me. 2) Passivity - removal: Instead of removing a...
  12. Anna

    How do you choose?

    Ok, kind of a retoric question maybe but I want input from others anyway. I have several ideas to NEW swediish toplists that I want to make and I feel passionately for all of them. But I realize that I cant have them all, I will spread myself too thin. So I have to prioritize. Do here are...
  13. Anna

    How to choose ranking method?

    Ok I have ended up in a kind of a delicate dilemma when it comes to how to rank the sites on my toplist. And now I hope to get some senior advice from you guys. If I read between the lines before using HitsIn is the preferred ranking method for the masters if I want to eventually generate more...
  14. Anna

    Overall stats & visitor count

    When looking through the marvelous plugin "Overall stats" I realised that the when I look at the "pages shown" and "unique pages shown" it shows all the pages shown from aaaall the different member pages (Aka right now I have >38 000 pages shown in total). Is this as intended? What is the use of...
  15. Anna

    Fetured members etc

    OK, thought I would try to take my list to the next level (whereever that is) so I started to have a look at some of the more advanced features. Ofc, I ended up with more questions than answers! ;-) 1) Featured members - If I want it placed between top-banner and the top-menu, where to I paste...
  16. Anna


    Just curious - the stats markers that are seen on front page - how are they set up to work? Daily? Weekly? Based on what stats?
  17. Anna

    Ads and premium

    Just a thought: If and when I decide to sell ads (normal ones not adwords etc) and premium membership what do you base the price for such service? Number of pages shown? Ins or outs?
  18. Anna

    Possible password bug?

    I have been nagging my best freind to join my list, but she had forgot username and password. Fine I thought I go into admin panel and change it for her. But when I did it said: Wrong password or username. And I tried 2 times so I know I did it right! Could it be a possible bug?
  19. Anna

    How does it all work?

    Since I am new to all this with topplists I do not have all the basic understanding in place around how it all fit together. But would love to. So I have been trying to look around on the net for sources around how to create a successful (even money-bringing) topplist but alas have not found...
  20. Anna

    Split ads

    Just wondering, is it easy or not to create ads that are shown only under a specific category and other adds shown on the front page? If it is complicated it is another wish for future releases!