Search results

  1. Anna


    Yes, yes, yes I KNOW that most people are not really fond of the old version (not that there´really is any new version though) of Reviews from Aardwark. But how much I try to using facebook or disqus really dont cut it for me (for instance realised yesterday that there actually are users that...
  2. Anna

    Affiliate Linking

    How is it going with the possibility to use an affiliate code in links (for example for signatures etc)? I know Mark talked about it but never heard more about it. Right now that would be the icing on the cake for my new list!!!
  3. Anna

    Swedish translatio

    What happened to the Swedish files? Do we have to-do them alltogether?
  4. Anna

    How to be seen...

    OK, eventually hopefully our lists will go viral and in itself will attract new members. But here are some suggestions in how to gain attention for your list without paying for it: Talk about it on facebook Talk about it on twitter Use a link in your email signature Write about it on your blog...
  5. Anna

    Length of user description

    Just wondering: Is there a way to change or restrict lenght of descriptions for the users for each site? Most members are quite sensible anyway. But one of my more recent members wrote close to a novel as a description and it just does not look good, not to mention it takes up inappropiate space...
  6. Anna

    Straps and linkcode

    How do I change the colour of the premium strap? And I want to remake the squared dynamic rank-button. Do you guys have the photoshop file on that?
  7. Anna

    More than one category?

    I am dealing with members that really are hard to categorize. Hence I have started toying around with the idea of possibility to choose more than one category. Aka instead of having to choose between A or B he can now choose both! Is it doable? Easy to do? Need to make plugin?
  8. Anna

    No. of categories

    Hi guys! Whats your thought on number of categories? Many of those I have seen have loooooads of categories but somewhere I recall that you said fewer were better. And if I choose to add some more categories per request - what ais the recommended minimum of members in that category for it to...
  9. Anna


    First of all: This is all in Swedish (except for where the bable-fish missed something). So thats why it makes no sense to you guys^^. Second, this is a list for people to join to promote thier sites/bloggs if they are within the pagan sphere. What I have done so far...
  10. Anna

    Adds in the middle?

    Is there a way to track views with this as with banner rotator?
  11. Anna

    Premium categories

    Just noticed that one of my premium categories are not shown correctly. And yes there is sprecial caracters in the category name... The category name is shown correctly though in normal mode.
  12. Anna


    Curiosity question of the week: at approximately what number of members does a toplist start to go viral (grows wihout help from owner) and why is it so?
  13. Anna

    About banners

    Been thinking of banners used by members lately. How Do we look at them: visual name tags -Hi this is me! Or ads to get people to click on the banner and visit your site - Come and see me, come and buy me!
  14. Anna

    Error 500

    I have noticed that EVERY (almost) time I do a change in the program I get a error 500. The strange thing is that the changes gets through OK and when I reload page it works fine. But from what Basti and I discovered last week that allthough something seems to work it does not always mean it do...
  15. Anna

    Premium issues

    Hi! Have discovered some issues with the premium membership: The opption to add a premium banner does not show in the main menue only in the header menu in the control panel. Take new screenshot is not shown either. When I want to upload a Premium banner it still says normal size, however...
  16. Anna

    Search function not working with "strange characters"

    Writing a 101 t0 my members and one of the things I noticed when actually looking through all the functions on the front is that the searchfunction in the header is not working for strange characters. For example: Prästinna is returned pr C3 A4stinna and obviously no hits are found. Is there a...
  17. Anna

    Critical size

    Once again I am in a crearive bubblezone and thinking of all the lists I want to create. But I have come,to realize that most of the nisches I choose is fairly small, but are they too small? Anyone have an estimate of what is the critical size of pontential members/pages if I want to have a...
  18. Anna

    Welcome mail

    A looooong time ago I remember that any new member of my list was given a welcome mail when they had been approved with their link code and so on. From what I can see that welcome email is no longer sent out automaticly which I find a true drawback! I do have a newsletter for my members where I...
  19. Anna

    Link Exchange

    What is the difference between Visiolist and a Link Exchange Program? I thinking of the option in ranking and being more visual. But besides that - is there a difference?
  20. Anna


    Since I know nanda about plugin-creation I post my dream here in hope than someone more tech-sassy will like it too.... My Dream: A plugin that will help me show the 5 latest posts/updates done by members of the site. Much like this...