Search results

  1. Karl

    upgrade to 0.2 next site

    Thanks that did the trick.
  2. Karl

    upgrade to 0.2 next site

    With my next site I am get the following error it seems to be showing for all my plugins. Warning: include(plugins/ElegantJoin/languages/english.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rampant/domains/ on...
  3. Karl

    upgrade to 0.2

    The update went smoothly and the new features are great thanks. The only problem I have noticed so far is the duplicate menu tabs on the main menu of the usercp as mentioned here.
  4. Karl

    VisioList 0.2 Released

    Apologies it pays to check the whole forum when logged in I just posted before seeing the instructions posted in the other post.
  5. Karl

    VisioList 0.2 Released

    Nice one thanks Mark looking forward to this will have a look at it this weekend. Do we just overwite the existing files or do we need to run the installer as well?
  6. Karl

    Premium Membership start date

    Nice one thanks
  7. Karl

    Premium Membership start date

    As a test I have set some of the sites to premium membership with different starting dates but when I check the front end the sites are showing even though they are not due to be displayed as premium.
  8. Karl

    Screenshots issues

    On my one site the rendered screen shots are blank even if I run them one at a time. On the other site when I run the regenerate screen shots I get a page full of symbols and letters which causes my browser to crash. Any ideas on how to solve either problem.
  9. Karl

    Numbered Ordered List Not Working

    Thanks for you help Mark and Basti for now I will run with Bastis suggestion for now.
  10. Karl

    Numbered Ordered List Not Working

    I am using the numbered ordered list on the text editor for the pages it shows the numbers in the admin area but when I go to the actual page it is not numered. any ideas on what could be causing this.
  11. Karl

    Issues after upgrade from rc version

    oops it helps when one runs the query from the right place.
  12. Karl

    Issues after upgrade from rc version

    Hi Mark on running this I get the following message You have to choose at least one column to display, which one do I need to select?
  13. Karl

    How do you set your Ranking method

    I use hits in I feel that sites that are sending us traffic should get a better ranking.
  14. Karl

    Issues after upgrade from rc version

    Nice one thank you.
  15. Karl

    Issues after upgrade from rc version

    have sent you the login details insteas as it is bed time here.
  16. Karl

    Issues after upgrade from rc version

    After replacing the files I can no longer access the admi area I just get a blank page. And the powerd by still reads as rc1
  17. Karl

    VisioList 0.1

    Will give it a go when I get home this evening
  18. Karl

    Gold Release Scheduled for August 1

    Nice one thank you.:)
  19. Karl

    VisioList 0.1

    Hi just to confirm to upgrade existing visiolist sites do we just overwrite the existing files or do we need to run the installer as well?
  20. Karl

    Review system - your thoughts

    The review system can be useful if used correctly. It would be great if there was a way to prevent site owners posting reviews and rating their own sites though as this presents a false impression. My only problem with it is the amount of spammers that use the reviews to try and post their stuff.