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  1. Karl

    Features Todo

    Just to confirm has this been added to 0.6 if so where do we input the terms and conditions?
  2. Karl

    Image for stats button no longer displaying

    Nice one that solved it. :)
  3. Karl

    Image for stats button no longer displaying

    I have just noticed that the stats button on the clients sites are no longer showing but just the link if I hover over the link and select view image I get (This file cannot be accessed directly.)
  4. Karl

    Affiliate links

    nice one will give this a go.
  5. Karl

    Affiliate links

    If an affiliate link is submitted is it possible to have only the site url display instead of the full affiliate url on the stats page?
  6. Karl

    Screen shots for affiliate links

    I have added some affiliate urls to one of my sites but the screenshots are not generating for them is it best to add the actual site link first to generate the screenshot and then edit it to suite once tis has been done.
  7. Karl


    This works well thank you.
  8. Karl

    Implemented Manage Hook Positions in side colums via admin cp

    If it is possible it would be nice to be able to manage the manage the hook position of features in the side column via the admin cp similar to the way the menu manager works.
  9. Karl


    Thank you I will give this a go. :)
  10. Karl


    Would it be posible to get a plugin made up for feedjit ?
  11. Karl

    Issues after upgrade to 0.6 version

    thanks all seems to be working now. :)
  12. Karl

    Issues after upgrade to 0.6 version

    please could you check the , google+,facebook and twitter setting as well thank you.
  13. Karl

    Issues after upgrade to 0.6 version

    ftp access sent in pm
  14. Karl

    Issues after upgrade to 0.6 version

    Hi there I reinstalled the plugins as mentioned in the thread. and I have attached an image of the double links.
  15. Karl

    Issues after upgrade to 0.6 version

    I have ugraded to 0.6 when I try and save the Tweet Button on members stats page under the twitter settings I get a blank page. In the front end UCP there are some double menu items in the menu bar.
  16. Karl

    VisioList 0.6 Released

    Nice one thanks I look forward to trying this out.
  17. Karl

    VisioList 0.5

    Unfortunately not all members that submit sites are not as web savvy as we would like them to be, so things need to be laid out in layman’s terms. A lot of my members would be people that have had their sites built for them and they are trying to promote the sites themselves so it would all be...
  18. Karl

    VisioList 0.5

    The patch worked thank you. My only concern is that if my users are like me they may or may not figure out that they have to click on the url for it to take them to the link codes. My first thought when I went to link code area is okay there is my url but where are the link codes. I understand...
  19. Karl

    Existing Menus Missing after upgrade

    Hi there checked it this morning and all is back to normal there may have been a problem with my browser not loading correctly.
  20. Karl

    VisioList Wishlist

    If this is possible I would like to be able to add terms on my join page via the admin panel in a way that I do not have to update the template manualy each time an upgrade is done.