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  1. Basti


    Hungarian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  2. Basti


    German Language Pack Status: Up to date with VisioList Version 1.4 Last Update: 12/07/2015
  3. Basti


    French Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  4. Basti


    Finnish Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  5. Basti


    Dutch Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  6. Basti


    Danish Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  7. Basti


    Bosnian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  8. Basti

    Language Importer Explained

    So, you don't run your VisioList with english as your default language? Here is a quick guide. You are required to at least import English. This is the core language and fill up for missing text in your translation. This is usually done while you install your list. Its always included in each...
  9. Basti

    VisioList 0.7 Final

    Hey everyone. Below is the patched / improved 0.7 version. As always report bugs you may encounter. Fresh Install Instructions As usual. New step After filling in your database info you will be presented with a list of languages. You are at least...
  10. Basti

    Vote Message

    VERSION 1.1# This plugin will display a success or fail message for the incoming hits ( Hits In / Votes ) Features: - Success is styled green telling the user he voted successfully for "user title" - Fail is styled red telling the user he voted today allready for "user title" - both messages...
  11. Basti


    VERSION 1.2# This is the start of an ongoing bigger project. Please report any bugs you may encounter. Features Facebook like button integrated into the social block on the members stats page. Turn it on / off Choose the like url -> members stats page or his website url. Facebook...
  12. Basti

    Google +1

    VERSION 1.1# This is a simple plugin that adds the Google+1 widget to the social block on your members stats page. Features Turn on / off in admin settings Choose to +1 members stats page or his website url via admin settings Required Visiolist Version 0.6 and above. Versions below dont...
  13. Basti

    Plugin Infos / Faq

    In this Thread we try to provide some infos about plugins. This may extend with plugin functionality or frequently asked questions. Plugin Installation There are 2 ways you can install plugins. - The first is to upload a plugin zip through the admin plugin manager if your server allows it...
  14. Basti

    VL 0.6 Information

    Hey guys, just keeping you updated. As you properbly noticed 0.6 is behind a little, winter time is stressful as some of you may know. Though, we hope to get it released this week, so you finally get a few of the requests made in the past along with a few core updates as always :)
  15. Basti

    Theme Developement Tips & Tricks

    Hey everyone, before saying anything else, we want to thank you for contributing skins to VisioList. This is much appreciated :) Guidelines: Posting your Theme/Skin After you have created your skin and it is ready to be posted, please include the following into your topic along with any other...
  16. Basti

    0.5 pre release poll

    On the edge of releasing 0.5 we want to hear some opinions over a feature. If it can be finished -> integrated in 0.5, else into 0.6. Plugins will be able to create new pages and not just enhance existing pages / files ( e.g disqus comments -> pimps the stats pages ) This will allow the use of...
  17. Basti

    Overall Stats

    VERSION 1.1# This plugin creates an Overall Stats Page along with an Header menu item for it. The Overall Page will show statistics from your members added together. A great way to show visitors and yourself how popular your VisioList is. Updates 19.12.2011 - Page design updated to match...
  18. Basti

    Facebook Integration

    Now also offering Facebook Integration along Twitter Integration, give you another great opportunity to drive traffic to your list. With 3 different features available, you can: 1. Post automatical to your Facebook Profile when a new site registered, welcome new members and offer them a link...
  19. Basti

    How-to: Create your Facebook Application

    Updated 10.02.2019 Before you start! - With recent facebook privacy policy changes, the app requires your list to have https support If your host do not provide free ssl certificates, you can as well skip all of this. This is needed for step 6.3 - As i do not have a app as old as plugin...