Search results

  1. Basti

    Redirect to Category after Vote

    VERSION 1.0# Description After voting, redirect the voter to the listed members category Installation Upload through admin plugin manager or directly via ftp. No database changes required, hence no install icon. Requirements Visiolist 1.0 or newer Future Plans - If member not on first...
  2. Basti

    Callback Vote Check

    VERSION 1.5# Credit for this plugin goes to LemoniscooL . Originally it was a paid plugin but he stopped the support and handed it over to us. So here it is for free and a bit extended What does Callback Vote Check mean? The Callback System catches the votes, checks the database if the user...
  3. Basti

    Premium Promotion

    VERSION 1.2# Credit for this plugin goes to LemoniscooL . Originally it was a paid plugin but he stopped the support and handed it over to us. So here it is for free. What does it do? This plugin adds a new setting to your ACP where you can choose how many days of free premium time every...
  4. Basti

    Join Language Flags

    VERSION 1.0# Plugin to let users choose their website language. It creates a new custom join field, so you are not required to add that yourself. Install - Must be Uploaded using FTP due to filesize - Click the install icon in plugin manager once uploaded - Once installed go to Tools ->...
  5. Basti

    Hi all, iam back

    Internet seems stable again after lots of downtime and iam back into action
  6. Basti

    Test: Proxy prevention

    Ok guys i want to test out a simple method to stop a few, yes just a few, as you cant block every proxy. Especially with a htaccess or php method which checks the headers, its almost impossible to block as most fake/remove the needed headers. This method will work out for proxies not running...
  7. Basti

    Display Toplist Reset Time

    VERSION 1.1# Description - Displays your toplist reset time, which is the time your toplist reset the ranking. - The form of display is - If you ranking period is daily, days are left out. - Automaticaly adjust if you switch ranking periods and takes in server offset which is a admin setting...
  8. Basti

    Vote Manager

    VERSION 1.1# Plan for this plugin is to give you more control over hits in statistics. Currently the features are rather limited, but updates are already planned and will be included as time allows. The page can be found in admin under the tools menu Features 1) Backup stats before doing...
  9. Basti

    How-to: Version Number for your Plugin

    Since VisioList0 0.9 introduced plugin update checks, you might want to make use of this feature if you code plugins and post them here. This is pretty simple and all you need to do is complete a few simple steps. 1) Create your...
  10. Basti

    VisioList 0.9

    The long awaited new release is here :) Sorry for the delay on this one, but iam sure you will like the new features. Update Instructions: - As usual take a backup of your files and database in case something goes wrong - Upload and replace all the files from the update bundle onto your ftp...
  11. Basti

    Compression testers wanted

    Hey all, in the effort to make VisioList load fast and more server friendly we are currently testing site compression methods. One which takes the less trouble is apaches mod_deflate. I already tested it out on my own site and got 85% compression rate for my homepage and roughly 75-80% for...
  12. Basti


    Time to show off a little as well :-) - Layout is a free weblayout i came across and i have modifed it to fit my needs, still lacks a few edits here and there though, like a few stats page additions and premium layouts. Not toally happy with the sidebar as well -...
  13. Basti

    Exit Page

    VERSION 1.0# This plugin will present the user with an exit page, informing them that they are about to leave your toplist. A demo can be seen on by default a different loading image and no ads though ( edit forward.html ) Supportet VisioList Version...
  14. Basti

    VisioList 0.8

    Update Instructions: - As usual take a backup of your files and database incase something goes wrong - Upload and replace all the files from the update bundle onto your ftp and run install/update.php from your browser - If you use a custom skin add a folder called "child" into it. - If you...
  15. Basti

    Server Check

    VERSION 1.1# Hey everyone, the plugin Server Check is aimed for game oriented toplists and lets you query game server info such as online status, number of players, map name. This plugin is still highly experimental and might not query everything 100% correct. So please provide feedback if you...
  16. Basti


    Serbian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  17. Basti


    Russian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 28/06/2012
  18. Basti


    Romanian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  19. Basti

    Portuguese Brazilian

    Portuguese Brazilian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012
  20. Basti


    Italian Language Pack Status: Not up to date with latest VisioList Version Last Update: 22/06/2012