My niche isn't listed as well there. My top site lists (I run six of them under various platforms) all deal with the lucrative topic of earning money online and more specifically GetPaidTo (GPT) sites and CPA Affiliate Networks though Affiliate Programs, Referral Programs, Paid To Click (PTC) sites, Work At Home Business Opportunities, and the like are also listed. I always insist that any program or opportunity listed need to be of the totally FREE to join and earn variety (no investment required)
Oh, and if anyone is interested in the top site list platforms I run... The newest is (probably obvious) is happily VisioList (still building), another is a custom modified version of Aardvark (soon to be converted / upgraded to VisioList, and the rest of the platforms I don't think it would be appropriate to mention here (though none of them measure up to VisioList)