Hey everyone. Below is the patched / improved 0.7 version. As always report bugs you may encounter.
Fresh Install Instructions
As usual. http://visiolist.com/docs/Installing-visiolist
New step
After filling in your database info you will be presented with a list of languages. You are at least required to import english. If your site runs a language other than english, you will need to import english + your desired language. This is because english is the core language and fills up missing phrases if your languages miss something.
Update Instructions
1) Replace everything on your ftp with the files in the update bundle
1.1 ) if you use "parabola" skin with changes made to the html, or a different skin, read the following and apply the changes instead replacing parabola folder.
2) Run yoursite.com/install/update.php
3) If you update from VL 0.6 and below, redownload the plugins you have in use from the forum ( no need for the default plugins included in the bundle, just the others )
This was a required step in the 0.6 -> 0.7 beta 1 process
A few of the additions
- Screenshots real time process generation: You will be presented with the screens you try to generate, with a option to reload if it gets blank
- Language Importer from 0.7 Beta 2 integrated into admin + Add Phrase is fixed
- If your language is not english, you most likely have many missing translated phrases. Once a updated language pack is released, simply re-import to have a few or even all missing phrases added to your list.
- Added admin user description length setting
- premium banner max width, height from admin settings are now respected from the upload form
- Premium list in Sidebar: Set how many to list + Order (premium start date - latest at top - or by circling troough listed one in random order ) in admin settings
- Join, edit page now correctly show users category choice in dropdown
- A better Vote button on the stats page
- several corrections from the beta releases
If we did not catch/fixed all bugs reported before, please bare with us
Give us a reminder in the support tickets
Fresh Install Instructions
As usual. http://visiolist.com/docs/Installing-visiolist
New step
After filling in your database info you will be presented with a list of languages. You are at least required to import english. If your site runs a language other than english, you will need to import english + your desired language. This is because english is the core language and fills up missing phrases if your languages miss something.
Update Instructions
1) Replace everything on your ftp with the files in the update bundle
1.1 ) if you use "parabola" skin with changes made to the html, or a different skin, read the following and apply the changes instead replacing parabola folder.
2) Run yoursite.com/install/update.php
3) If you update from VL 0.6 and below, redownload the plugins you have in use from the forum ( no need for the default plugins included in the bundle, just the others )
This was a required step in the 0.6 -> 0.7 beta 1 process
A few of the additions
- Screenshots real time process generation: You will be presented with the screens you try to generate, with a option to reload if it gets blank
- Language Importer from 0.7 Beta 2 integrated into admin + Add Phrase is fixed
- If your language is not english, you most likely have many missing translated phrases. Once a updated language pack is released, simply re-import to have a few or even all missing phrases added to your list.
- Added admin user description length setting
- premium banner max width, height from admin settings are now respected from the upload form
- Premium list in Sidebar: Set how many to list + Order (premium start date - latest at top - or by circling troough listed one in random order ) in admin settings
- Join, edit page now correctly show users category choice in dropdown
- A better Vote button on the stats page
- several corrections from the beta releases
If we did not catch/fixed all bugs reported before, please bare with us

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2.3 MB Views: 61