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  1. leonor

    SMTP Mail send

    Hello, i have a small problem. I cant send Mails with my new 1.0 vl list. Because my Host only accept Connection with STARTTLS and ENCYPTED passwords :/ This one of my Error's that i become from the list :( Some one have any Ideas how to fix that?
  2. leonor

    show how many new member join last time

    I want to know how i can show how many member joined in the last Werk month in wrapper.HTML Greetz Leonor
  3. leonor

    How to mass reActivate Inactive members? [mysql]

    Hello, i did a mistake in my settings and now most of my my members disappear from public view. How i can bring them back with a simply mysql command? (i only have activ and inactiv member, no disabled ) greetz leonor
  4. leonor

    Extra ad Plugin Help

    Hm i have a plugin that are showing me ads to the right category. like this: $TMPL['extra_ad'] = ''; if($TMPL['cat_exist'] == "Cat one") { $TMPL['extra_ad'] .= '<center>banner comes here</center>'; } if($TMPL['cat_exist'] == "Cat two") { $TMPL['extra_ad'] .= '<center>banner comes...
  5. leonor

    Implemented Edit the premium banner

    like the titel say i need a option to edit the premium banner url in the acp.
  6. leonor

    How to show Premium Banner+link

    Hello, i want to know, how i can show on special position the premium banner and link from random Premium users?
  7. leonor

    Screenshots - Internal Server Error

    Like titel says i have a small problem with screenshots in the last days. Some time i have to generate 10 times or more to get one ... here is the line from acces_log and here what i found in error log leonor
  8. leonor

    Gateway Page Like "Exit Page" Plugin

    Hello i would like to have plugin for the gateway site like the Exit Page Plugin. My bounce rate is to high, and when i send the visitor to gateway page more then 40% dont click the Vote button... :( If its needed i can pay for it! leonor
  9. leonor

    I need help to integrate "Social Traffic Pop" jquery

    Hello, i want to add a "Social Traffic Pop" jquery to my /stats/{username} sites. I have to add this in my <head> tag: <link href="social-traffic-pop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> <script...
  10. leonor

    This is my Visiolist Topsite TODO: Finsh the Design SEO
  11. leonor

    Mass add to Backlist

    Hello i want to add a big trashmail list to my blacklist. I there are a easy way to make this? Maybe with a sql command? leonor
  12. leonor

    Looking for Simple News script

    hi, any one know a simple news script that i can add to Visiolist(Custom Page)?
  13. leonor

    Implemented 404 Stats Page

    Hello, i think its not so good when some one come from search engine and get Error Invalid username. Please try again. Because of the member is deleted, what i have to change that users send to Main Page? leonor
  14. leonor

    Implemented Meta Keywords and descripton for main page

    Hello, like the titel say the main Page dont have any Meta Keywords or descripton, i added now some by hands but. Its not the perfekt way. Because on my Category Rank Pages i need different Meta Keywords and descripton. I would be nice when you adding Meta Keywords and descripton to Main...
  15. leonor

    use the _top skin for all

    What i have to change on 'Parabola" skin to make show all member as _top ? leonor
  16. leonor


    Hello i need for a new projekt a .htaccess file that make no /Category/ in the url. Normaly its like this http://www.toplist.tld/Category/Cat1 http://www.toplist.tld/Category/Cat2 http://www.toplist.tld/Category/Cat3 But i need, like this http://www.toplist.tld/Cat1...
  17. leonor

    Category Name and description

    Hello, how to display Category name and description in Category head ? leonor View Screen Capture