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  1. Karl

    VisioList Release Candidate 1

    Thanks Mark I will wait for the this.
  2. Karl

    VisioList Release Candidate 1

    Just tried to go back to my admin panel but I just get a blank screen.
  3. Karl


    Thanks it seems to be working now. Just to confirm the referrals are counted from the normal link and button code the users add to their site?
  4. Karl

    VisioList Release Candidate 1

    Have just done the upgrade. On doing the following I just get a blank screen.
  5. Karl


    Hi this will not install via the upload plugin or by uploading directly to the plugin folder have tried it on two sites with the same result.
  6. Karl

    Description lenght

    Do you encourage your users to have longer more detailed descriptions of their sites therefore adding more content as such to your site in turn for SEO purposes?
  7. Karl

    Ambiguity of "topsite"

    I have seen the script used more as a directory in some instances that provide a monitoring and ranking system with the owners promoting the site as a directory rather than a topsite. Some webmasters consider topsites to be nothing more than link farms and this is due to the large number of...
  8. Karl

    VisioList Wishlist

    I would like to allow members to upload their banners as to the server as an option for faster page load.
  9. Karl

    New members disappearing

    Have you set a time periode where members are deleted if they are inactive in the members settings if you have and they do not ad the link code they would be removed as they would be considered inactive. I am not sure about the duplication of allready existing sites though.
  10. Karl

    Tips on producing a quality topsite.

    Thanks Boardhopper you have listed some really good points, With your articles did you create new pages for them or have it as a news feed?
  11. Karl

    Tips on producing a quality topsite.

    What tips do you have that are helpful towards building a quality topsite that is beneficial to site owners as well as the general visitor to your site?
  12. Karl

    Topsite advertising and promoting

    I know that once a topsite is big enough it sells itself but what do you do to get your site of the ground and help speed this up what methods do you use to advertise and promote you site. For example do you list your site on other topsites or in directories?
  13. Karl

    VisioList Beta 1

    Thank you
  14. Karl

    Problem with new install

    I think the problem is mentioned here a problem with the installer.
  15. Karl

    VisioList Beta 1

    nice one thanks.
  16. Karl

    VisioList Beta 1

    just to confirm we are only overwriting the files or do we need to run the update as well?
  17. Karl

    Twitter [DEPRECATED]

    I have this set to post a link to the members stats/profile page but it has posted the members url instead is this easy enough to remedy
  18. Karl

    Change settings not saving on fresh install.

    I apologize for all the hassles I assumed that if the plugins were all deleted the script would not require them and would therefore work so I had not reinstalled the problem plugin. Now that I have done so this has solved the problem as you said it would.
  19. Karl

    Change settings not saving on fresh install.

    As I still have a problem with the site I have zipped the message so you can get the rest of the message about access to the acp.
  20. Karl

    Change settings not saving on fresh install.

    Hi there it seems the problem is still there I have even deleted the rest of the plugins some of them do not delete when done