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  1. Karl

    SEO Plugin

    Nice one thanks :)
  2. Karl

    VisioList Wishlist

    What features would you like to see added if it could / can be done? To start it off It would be nice if we could have subcategories. I would also like to be able to add my description and keyword meta tags to the site via the admin panel.
  3. Karl

    Back link choices.

    Nice one thanks It is all that hard work you are doing.
  4. Karl

    Menu Manager

    I think I have it figured out it is just that when I do not see what I am expecting to see straight away I assume that it is not working or there is a problem.
  5. Karl

    Page Creation

    When I create a new page I the text editor but when I return to edit the page the text editor is no longer available is this meant to happen. The other thing is the page link shows on the menu but is incorrect for example when I check it in the edit menus it shows up as...
  6. Karl

    Back link choices.

    I have just noticed that my link options are showing the title were the URL is showing is this due to a setting? <a href="African Top Sites/"><img src="" the other thing is there a way to keep the existing code that has been used on...
  7. Karl

    Menu Manager

    Thanks will have a look into this.
  8. Karl

    Back link choices.

    Thanks It is probably best that I delete all the old files and upload the new ones in future rather than overwrite them if this is not working on all the files.
  9. Karl

    Beta Testing Begins May 1

    nice one it is best to get as many of the bugs out of the way before moving onto the next version. Knowing Mark he will produce a well written manual once he gets to it. The one found here is pretty good.
  10. Karl

    Change settings not saving on fresh install.

    okay have changed the permissions on the button_config.php as well as enable the debug mode I still get a blank page but no errors displayed. What is the next step to take?
  11. Karl

    Menu Manager

    This is how the menu manager looks.
  12. Karl

    Back link choices.

    pm sent.
  13. Karl

    Back link choices.

    Hi all files were uploaded/overwrote I have also just deleted and replaced the files with the same result. I have attached the files requested.
  14. Karl

    Change settings not saving on fresh install.

    The change settings is not saving in a fresh install of 2.4 it just goes to a blank page. no errors showing though.
  15. Karl

    Back link choices.

    It is not showing up in mine I also tried to deactivate the settings so I could reactivate in case there is a glitch but when I save the settings the button sliders seem to be stuck on yes.
  16. Karl

    Menu Manager

    This does not seem to be working as I have added some new pages and menus and it is not displaying as depicted here.
  17. Karl

    Approve or delete multiple reviews

    The select all or select none option in the reviews area appears not to be working?
  18. Karl

    Back link choices.

    Are the back link choices meant to show up in the Link code section of the UCP? as I have all of the settings set to yes and I do not see where these are offered in the UCP.
  19. Karl

    Twitter [DEPRECATED]

    That did the trick. :)
  20. Karl

    category navigation

    nice one thanks