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  1. randomcash

    I upgraded to 1.5 but i cannot login into the admin section anymore?

    I upgraded to 1.5 but i cannot login into the admin section anymore? Is there password recovery form somewhere? The thing is, i'm on the road so i cannot access my server to mess around with the database etc.... (Only from my home IP. Security feature)
  2. randomcash

    VisioList 1.5

    Just came back from vacation and got another license. Will try to upgrade the script right now. Heck i had a license for a full year never did anything with it LOL! Typical me...
  3. randomcash

    Online since 97 ...

    Online since 97 ...
  4. randomcash

    2 feature requests

    15 years ? I beat ya lol 18 years here (porn toplists made me my first bucks online hehehehe) I just had the idea of using toplists for a certain niche (not adult related) and see how it goes.... Thanks for replying by the way.
  5. randomcash

    Will this script be updated?

    NEAT thanks
  6. randomcash

    How do we adjust the banners heights/widths for the promo section

    How do we adjust the banners heights/widths for the promo section ? Also, the name of the site in the ALT tag etc....
  7. randomcash

    If a user only wants his referring linkcode

    If a user only wants his referring linkcode ? What shall he use ? Right now all i see (as a user) is the image/banner ref links Ex: <a href="">My VisioList<img src="" alt="My VisioList" style="display: none;" width="1px" height="1px" /></a>...
  8. randomcash

    I can't edit any files from within the admin section

    Ok it has to do with I'll install this then
  9. randomcash

    CGI PHPNOT detected

    Ohhh just saw this thread
  10. randomcash

    2 feature requests

    Do the users that signs up need to verify their email ? If not, well that should be added on the next update for sure ! Also, is there a way to mass mail the users ? Thanks
  11. randomcash

    I can't edit any files from within the admin section

    I can't edit any files from within the admin section skins/parabola/payment_premium_ko.html -> The file is not writable or does not exist Does it have something to do with the fact that i got (when installed the script) CGI/PHP not detected ? Or it's CHMOD issues ? If so, what shall i use...
  12. randomcash

    Opening Band Pages in New Windows

    Do we need to edit every file named table_* And/or other files too, to make sure everything clicked is opened in a new window ?
  13. randomcash

    CGI PHPNOT detected

    Hi Just purchased the software and installed it. I see: CGI PHP NOT detected. You MAY encounter some file ownership problems when editing files uploaded through the admin interface But i do have a CGI folder and PHP of course on the VPS I have CHMOD the files and directories accordingly...