Search results

  1. legendz

    Google PageRank

    So I heard that Google don't use Pangrank score anymore. What do we do now?
  2. legendz

    Server Check

    Question, How do I make server check plugin to read both word/site address and number IP address. See pictures. Word IP address. Number IP adress.
  3. legendz

    Topsite just got F@1*

    What just happened?
  4. legendz

    Error on top of Admin site

    Hi, Anyone knows why I get a warning in admin panel? How do I fix that? See picture.
  5. legendz

    Brave 1.4 Vote button

    When they have my vote link button on their website it doesn't take them to the voting page. How do i fix the vote button on my website? Its showing Vote Image Button Link to , It should be{username} Example, a member...
  6. legendz

    How are they doing this?

    Hi, I have a member in my top site redirecting my website to their vote site. You type in and it goes straight to there vote site. How do I stop this?
  7. legendz

    Bootstrap skin stats help

    how do I align Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ on one straight line?
  8. legendz

    Boostrap 3

    Hello, I'm not good with HTML. Boostrap member stats page, I was wondering how to I make this align. The VOTE, Twitter, Google+1, and Facebook all in 1 line. You can visit and see the stats page. Thanks.
  9. legendz

    URL Shortener

    Hi, Is there a way for VL script to stop accepting URL shortener? I know it can be done manually.
  10. legendz

    Solve Media

    Hi, Not sure if this is the right section to post a request. I would like to request Solve Media captcha on our admin cp.
  11. legendz

    Screenshot error

    Hello, I was wondering if the screenshot server is having problems? I keep getting this error and my license is not yet expired.
  12. legendz


    Hi, I have 53 reviews that I need to approved but when I click approve on 1 user, I don't see the review on that user page. Where can I find those reviews that I approved from visitors?
  13. legendz


    Does VL have robots.txt? If not, how do I generate a robots.txt?
  14. legendz

    Terms and On the Go

    Hi, I would like to make this discussion of having a TOS and having the USERS registering on the go with out knowing the rules. (I know people don't read the TOS but it is there for reference) Well, the reason I want to have a TOS on my websites is because I want the USERS to know the rules...
  15. legendz

    Alignment - html code

    Hi, I was wondering was is html code to align my seals straight. I want them on the same line from left to right. Thanks.
  16. legendz


    Is there any way we can make sub-categories?
  17. legendz

    Automatic Screen Shots?

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to have an automatic screen shots when new members join and also when old members updates there screen shots.
  18. legendz

    [HELP] on Search link button

    How do I fix the search link? Please look at my screen shot.
  19. legendz

    How to add videos on admincp?

    How can I add videos on my custom page on admincp?
  20. legendz

    255 description length?

    Hi, I was wondering why members can write more than 255 length description? Here is the SS. I had to delete some description from some members. How can I fix it so they won't go past 255 description length? Is this a bug on VL 1.0?