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  1. Morus

    Premium Listing

    How would I create a link that will show me only Premium Users on Ranking list?
  2. Morus

    Rank on stats.html

    Hi all, Could you please help me out with the above? Basically, I would like to place on stats for each of the member info about rank. Just to show on what place is each site on the ranking. See attached image. As you can see on the picture, I've added Vote results ({$unq_in_0_monthly} in that...
  3. Morus

    Data and time

    Hi, I'm trying to change the code that instead of showing me join date with the exact time, it will only show me date. see attached screen. I tried to modify join.php on line: $join_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (3600*$CONF['time_offset'])); But no results. It was still showing...
  4. Morus

    Add Banner Issue

    Hi, There is a problem with Add Banner option under -->Tools --> Manage Banners Error: Fatal error: Database error in "/homepages/46/d339036285/htdocs/votezone/l2/sources/admin/add_banner.php" on line 59 Table 'db398533176.VL_osbanners' doesn't exist in...