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  1. autosurf

    Blocked By Brute Force Detection, Try again in 1 hour.

    You can go in your database : (prefix)_ip_log and delete where ip_address = Your IP ( to have your IP)
  2. autosurf

    A couple of quick style modification questions...

    For center your logo, you can remplace in screen.css, the balise logo by #logo { height: 1px; } You can try many possibility with use developpement kit (integrated in your browser) in chrome or firefox
  3. autosurf

    Description in create account

    i am not a specialiste to create a plugin but i can try ... Also, I already tried this method for my first test : array_push($form_validate, validate_range_chars('description', $TMPL['description'], 3, 255, 1)); i put this code direct in validate.php ??? but the result "for me" have don't...
  4. autosurf

    Description in create account

    I used the variable "description_length" which is the maximum length of the description to display on many pages. In the "Join_form.html" file of your template, I replaced the input description by : <div class="{$error_style_description}"> <label...
  5. autosurf

    Last site

    Good idea for ssi version I had not thought ... However, I saw one page as in cajkan :-) This page takes advantage of existing and integrates site ... PS : i try and i see a bad character (é, â, ..., french character)
  6. autosurf

    Description in create account

    When a member adds a new account, it does not seem to have control over the description of the site and its length? How is it possible to add a condition on a minimum number of character information for this field? Same question for the title with a minimum and maximum value. Thank you in advance
  7. autosurf

    Last site

    Hello, I would like to implement the ability to display the last join my top sites list. the presentation will be identical to the main page (classic and premium), maybe change the rank with a sequential number from first to last? This will allow a better ranking of our website and members ...
  8. autosurf

    undefined on the create page

    Thank you to resolve this problem and quickly :)
  9. autosurf

    Your Topsite Age And Number Of Members

    1 week and 26 members
  10. autosurf

    Hi all, iam back

    welcome back !
  11. autosurf

    undefined on the create page

    i create a ftp account, i send the login et pw in PM
  12. autosurf

    undefined on the create page

    i have create a test page in : My source code is : <br><h1 align=center id=br>..: Partenaires de :..</h1><br> <center> <br><hr /><br> <a href="" >TEST whithout Blank with</a><br> <a...
  13. autosurf

    undefined on the create page

    exemple, i have create on page : and i put the link in the image : when i validate the page and i see the page, the link is :
  14. autosurf

    undefined on the create page

    Hello, I have a problem on the creations of the page ... When I put the link on this page of the site (site root) in HTML link automatically changes to the site root + "undefined" ... I have the plugin: Clean URL's If you have a solution? thank you
  15. autosurf


    Thank VL and thanx to the Staff :-) i come after my hollydays :D
  16. autosurf


    I do not understand, this means that this plugin will be free in a few times? and you spoke to the plural, it means "Callback Vote Check" will also be free?
  17. autosurf

    Elegant Join

    Sorry, i confirm ...
  18. autosurf

    Elegant Join

    It seems to me that there is a small bug on this plugin ... If you add a field "Join Manage Fields" the field is not present on the page on the second page of "join" ^ ^
  19. autosurf

    Unclutter - Get Inactive Website Status

    I just installed the plugin and incorporate changes ... ìl works fine on my side, 15 members ^ ^ Mark thank you for this plugin can be very useful :-)
  20. autosurf


    LOL => You have already purchased this file. You can download it here. If you wish, you can purchase it again. I already buy this product at a time but I did not test ^ ^ Visiolist thank you for this test;-) and thank you both for the link ...