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  1. autosurf

    Include in the page

    I don't have any error, i have just in my test page : {include "https://mydomain/testscript.php"} it's just that it does not interpret the inclusion command but displays it as if it were text to display And i have try with php 7.1.33 and php 7.2.24 the result is the same
  2. autosurf

    Include in the page

    Hi, in the file sources/misc/skin.php (VL 1.6) , i have so and for this function, i have (0.9) With this last code (0.9), the {include} is OK when i include this in my page i just read "create_function" is "Warning This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.2.0. Relying on this...
  3. autosurf

    Include in the page

    Hi, I would like to change my version of VL but for the moment, I use during my creation of pages, the possibility to add a PHP treatment in my pages with the function include. To be done on my page, I have the code: {include ""} for example in which I have a...
  4. autosurf

    just to say that my top still exists and still works :)
  5. autosurf

    Managed to turn visiolist into a homepage....

    certainly https://leadingforum.coù ^^
  6. autosurf

    Callback Vote Check

    Thank you for the clarification, I could not find the directory with the FTP ^^
  7. autosurf

    Callback Vote Check

    ok, thank I finished the translation and I re-installed the plugin. Indeed having deactivated it has deleted the files? I authorized to display the input form of the url in the member area. I will test this function in more detail before offering my members ...
  8. autosurf

    How to make Banners Mandatory on Signup?

    I will definitely make the switch to the version 1.0 or 1.1 :) However, I made some changes in the source, I have to take my time and look to the plugins ... Nb : The option to download the banner should not be mandatory, but suggested.
  9. autosurf


    ok, but I would like to offer this opportunity for my future members ... If I could have the plugin, I could at least test it, it is the goal ^ ^
  10. autosurf

    Callback Vote Check

    I am trying to test this plugin I waited a long time :-) I installed the plugin on version 0.9 (accuracy) and waiting to translate the text and explanation in French, I disable the plugin in the admin section. But I always find a trace of this plugin on the registration page...
  11. autosurf

    Redirect to Category after Vote

    i put this plugin in V0.9, it's ok i just replace line in 83 in in.php if ($go_to_rankings) { $vote_url = "{$CONF['list_url']}/"; // Plugin hook, redirect after voting. simply call $vote_url via a plugin eval (PluginManager::getPluginManager ()->pluginHooks...
  12. autosurf

    How to make Banners Mandatory on Signup?

    where can i take this plugin (i prefer the V0.9 for this), thank ...
  13. autosurf


    If possible, I want to try the plugin, thank you in advance :)
  14. autosurf

    Server Gaming

    Good job, very nice ...
  15. autosurf

    Last site

    Thank you very much for this plugin I just put up on my site :-) I changed a few things for it to be better integrated into my site. The new sites page is:
  16. autosurf

    Last site

    ok, thank you I'll look on my side, how can I offer this page on my site until the official plugin ... OR If I could get this part, it would be very good already :-)
  17. autosurf

    Last site

    Hello, The plugin is available ? I would put this up on my site pretty quickly ...
  18. autosurf

    Last site

    Indeed, if it was possible to get the plugin, I will be very interested :D
  19. autosurf

    Incomplete backup

    I especially noticed the file VL_langs indeed my VL is French ^^ Thank you for the patch and perhaps the ability to restore directly under VL ?
  20. autosurf

    Incomplete backup

    actually, there is not 24 but 18 tables tables I counted my management for advertisements ^^ i see in the file : i have : VL_join_fields, VL_langs, VL_osbanners, VL_screens, VL_settings it seems to me that not all of the tables for plugins?