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  1. Basti

    questions about reset

    List will reset at midnight servertime, so if you are in a different timezone, you will want to adjust the time offset in admin settings. See here for bit more detail explaination The cron.php is a better option...
  2. Basti

    Time offset from your server (in hours)

    Timezone depends on where your server is. Might be a good idea to place the current server time next to the input Make a new php file in your topsite root. <?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); ?> That will show you your time when requested via browser
  3. Basti

    Disqus Comments

    Plugin updated to fix an issue with database coluumn default value for the installer. Its not required to update, as it only affect fresh plugin installs
  4. Basti

    vote page is blank

    Yes indeed, that was originally the "_small" version as you have changed it to. Can only suspect it was changed to work better with the new bootstrap theme. P.s instead editing the plugin core file, you could add this to your user.css to have the same effect ul.newmembers img.screenshot {...
  5. Basti

    daily stats

    Do you use a real cron or using our pseudo cron? Did you checked your error log? No reset means there is an error and without its hard to help. If you use the real cron option, did you also updated cron.php? Vl 1.0 had an error there which prevented reset. Sounds very much like your problem
  6. Basti

    Installation 1.1

    That comes from the "ads" plugin. And shows you that the plugin files are up to date ( since they try to grab a column from the latest plugin files ), but its missing the latest plugin database changes. Most likely related to your other thread with the plugin update problems, so iam closing this...
  7. Basti

    vote page is blank

    Blank page usually mean an error. Works fine so far and no one reported such an error. You have so many different errors, it seems to me something on your host is wrong. Since blank page usually is a 500 error, please check your servers error log and report back what is listed there.
  8. Basti

    plugin update problem

    Please read my post again, if you dont do as i said iam not able to help you. I said to to upload via FTP, to see if theres actually a plugin error or something wrong with your server config
  9. Basti

    Bug Fix Premium ended mail (bug)

    Ohhh, good spot. Looks like we dont query the url We will correct this in the next version, in the meantime please open sources/misc/new_day.php Find $result = $DB->query("SELECT username, email, remain_day, date_start_premium FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_sites WHERE premium_flag = 1", __FILE__...
  10. Basti

    plugin update problem

    Please answer all 4) What happens when you manually replace files of 1 plugin ( for testing ) on ftp? If it works then you might have some zip problems
  11. Basti

    Bug Fix Premium ended mail (bug)

    Yep, and it mainly consist of language phrases. So if you want to change text, search for that phrase found in the file in admin language editor
  12. Basti

    plugin update problem

    Hi, 1) Of which plugins do we speak? 2) what was the plugins versions before? 3) Did it displayed a new plugin version after upload? Not all plugin updates involve new database changes. Can also only be files
  13. Basti

    VisioList 1.1

    The language phrases from this update got not imported on your list on the update, for whatever reason. Might be that your language folder on ftp is not writeable ( check for chmodd 777 ) Make sure your list has these phrases ( search in admin -> content tab -> manage languages ) If not, add...
  14. Basti


    Plugin Updated for a yet not documented feature Call member screenshots manually instead of automated and better control which screenshot size is used <img src="{$screenshot_path}_small.jpg" alt="" /> "small" can be exchanged for "med" to call the medium sized screenshot ( as on details page )
  15. Basti

    Clean URL's

    Plugin Updated to work with visiolist 1.1 This update is absolutely required so your new category urls will work!
  16. Basti

    VisioList 1.1

    Fresh Install Instructions Upgrade from 0.9 Instructions Due VisioList 1.0 being a milestone, you first have to perform the 1.0 upgrade Upgrade from 1.0 Instructions - Take a backup of your files and database in case something goes wrong -...
  17. Basti

    CDN Support?

    When the list resets after you applied the plugin.
  18. Basti

    Duplicate Names Joining

    So, as a quick way for everyone to learn about our functions and how to make plugins.... 1) Plugin Name > DuplicateTitleCheck 2) Blank index.htm 3) info.php <?php $pluginname = 'Duplicate Title Check'; $author = 'Basti'; $email = ''; $url = ''; $install = 0...
  19. Basti

    Long Term Todo Banner Bidding System

    Dont take it personal, but ill close this. As it been discussed numerous time already and is on the todo already. Either free or as paid extension
  20. Basti

    2 questions

    Currently only paypal and 2checkout are integrated. Please see here for future premium changes -> As for adding in a specific dutch only payment provider into the core, the chance is really slim. At...