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  1. Basti


    Kannst du eventuell ftp daten bereitstellen ( via conversation )? Wenn der code nicht funktioniert müsste ich selber ein bisschen rumprobieren
  2. Basti

    Get data from DB

    $TMPL['last_Global'] = $TMPL['cl_bot_global']); $TMPL['last_Unique'] = $TMPL['cl_bot_unique']); Each at the end has ")" which normally cause a php error. Suprised it display the stuff at all. Anyway remove that and it should work
  3. Basti

    Navbar collapse not finished ?

    Ohh you are misunderstanding that part. That stuff is hidden for dektop browsers and becomes visible for mobile view, since having many nav links aint look good there. Resize your browser to be really small width and you will see how that part functions. If you do want to have that button...
  4. Basti

    Callback Vote Check

    Basti updated Callback Vote Check with a new update entry: Important fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Basti

    Callback Vote Check - Important fixes

    1) IP check function: This method was returning false positives, which has been taken care off. 2) 2 php notices of undefined variables have been fixed. 3) Added support to send voters ip to the script on members site.
  6. Basti

    Featured member

    By default the featured member is coded to be displayed in the sidebar with a screenshot ( if enabled ). In fact it is already included by default ;) <h3 class="heading">{$lng->a_skins_categories}</h3> {$category_menu} {$featured_member}...
  7. Basti

    Navbar collapse not finished ?

    If you mean with collapse, a button which acts as dropdown ( showing box with more links ), then yes it do has one. Just to point out, i noticed Mark set a different skin ( premium skin to come ) as the preview for the bootstrap theme. That is not the bootstrap theme in case you look for...
  8. Basti

    problems with SMTP...

    Then lets try some debugging in sources/misc/skin.php find this $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; On a new line below, paste this $mail->SMTPDebug = true; Now the mailer class should hand out some usefull info, wether a port is blocked or whatever Please try after making...
  9. Basti

    Migrate from Toplistx failed

    I have no experience using that importer, as Mark always handles these ones, so you might need to wait a bit till he see this post. But the main issue is that there is a syntax error in one of the database queries. What that is, i dont know. Line 1 would be very unlikely, unless line 1 starts...
  10. Basti

    problems with SMTP...

    Just to gather some information. Do you use the secure or nomal ports for smtp? Experienced in the past that the secure was not working but the other was ( or the other way around )
  11. Basti

    Vote Analyzer

    Actually, it is better that these checks happen in the callback plugin itself. Store the voter username uppon voting and then check against that + ip on next vote to determine its valid or not. Once that is done, you can pull the callback id from the ip log table as you do with the actual ip.
  12. Basti

    Callback Vote Check

    Yup it will, actually still works in 5.5, but you need to supress deprecated error notices. I think finaly removal of mysql_ will be 5.6 or so But its not more than that, a guide/example. More easy for the inexperienced people, and anyone who know about that, should have no issue converting the...
  13. Basti

    Join Fields show

    Look at your index.php?a=admin&b=manage_join_fields At the box with the field you see the following ( taken from the join language plugin, but you get the idea So basicly, for "choice fields" we have an extra tag which looks same as the normal one, but with "_display" added to it
  14. Basti

    Vote Analyzer

    While they can vote again using that method, the reason they do it, seems more because the website not checks if that specific user voted. After all any website with callback has a user login system, if they allow that same user multiple vote rewards, the user ofcourse takes advantage of that.
  15. Basti

    Test: Proxy prevention

    If i remember right callback plugin adds a new tmpl tag to the vote link button, so normally should be enough to update this to reflect that var link = '{$list_url}/index.php?a=in&u={$username}&sid={$sid}';
  16. Basti

    Bug Fix Double Meta Description

    Uh i dont know why but we arent we grabbing them in sources/page.php This will fix it. Replace the zip content into sources overwriting the old file. Now we grab them if they filled out, else use the main one
  17. Basti

    Email Members - Visiolist mass email

    Yay, make me drunk :) cheers
  18. Basti

    Email Members - Visiolist mass email

    To track it down further, if you click reply on that "unknown" email, does it show your mail address or unknown@423423423ovh ?
  19. Basti


    Hi, du benutzt php 5.5 richtig? mysql_* existiert dort zwar noch, aber wirft die Error raus damit man den Code zu den neueren Funktionen umwandelt. Bis php 5.6 funktioniert dies glaub ich noch. Wir sind dabei VL 2.0 zu programmieren wo wir zu den neueren Methoden gewechselt haben. Bis dahin: 1)...
  20. Basti

    do I need jquery.easing?

    Just a headup. That is not in default parabola, nor our bootstrap theme. It was used a long time ago if memory serves right, but not anymore So i guess you use a really old skin, can that be? or a custom skin? Either way, if you have that line, this error is either caused by 1) you have the...