Search results

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    Backlink Check

    Hey all, I tried to search for this topic with the keywords backlink, checker, etc. Nothing came up so I suppose no one has asked for it before unless what I'm asking for has a different name, then I wouldn't know. I apologize if this request was already asked for. So essentially, is it...
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    Bug Fix Emails

    Am I supposed to be seeing something here? I mean it still successfully sends all of the emails after sitting on that page for a while, and I get the confirmation page with a list of all the emails that it got sent to. But that seems to be at the end.
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    Notify Multiple Emails

    When someone joins the site. Maybe this can be done and I just can't figure it out.
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    Multiple Static Images?

    Is it possible to offer more then one static image for users to place on their sites? I've been getting asked to provide some variety for a while now.
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    nginx support or tutorials.

    Something like that I think would make VisioList better for everyone.
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    Long Term Todo Banner Bidding System

    I have finally started using the banner ad system, its really nice(instead of having to manually insert banners) However now that thousands of dollars and stuff are constantly being exchanged and people emailing and having to manually keep track of them. I think there should be some sort of...
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    Votes Just Reset

    Our Visiolist is about a month old now, and all the votes seem to have reset or its not ordering by overall. If you click on each indivial site, their old overall votes are still there. I don't want it to be ranked monthly or something, I would like it to be ranked overall forever. Currently...
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    Screenshots Timeout

    When I generate each one individually it all works. However when I go to Tools > Screenshots and click the button to generate All Screenshots, it times out after a while giving a 503 error, I assume it is because of how long it takes to do each one? Is there a way around this?
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    CDN Support?

    Any way to get the banners that members upload to be served from a CDN? I suppose that involves editing the coding of the software or a plugin.
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    How to make every page show Banners

    I noticed that after the first page of sites, they don't show much other then the name. Have to hover over for description and stuff. Anyway to stop that?
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    How to display votes?

    Like this user's screenshot. It has Votes and Visits. This just something I can do by styling or is it a plugin?
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    How to make Banners Mandatory on Signup?

    Any ideas?
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    Clean URLs do not work on nginx

    We don't use apache so we'd need the syntax that this program uses to put in our nginx config.
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    How to remove Brand?

    Hello, I purchased the branding free version but for the life of me I can't figure out how to remove it, I can't find it in any of the templates. Any ideas?