Votes Just Reset

Our Visiolist is about a month old now, and all the votes seem to have reset or its not ordering by overall. If you click on each indivial site, their old overall votes are still there.

I don't want it to be ranked monthly or something, I would like it to be ranked overall forever.

Currently I have for settings:

Ranking Period: overall
Ranking method: in
rank by average or by just today: average

Am I doing something wrong?


Staff member
as it says in your admin settings, ranking period is: daily/weekly/monthly

there is no option to rank "forever", furthermore if you think about this for a while you will realize that ranking forever is a terrible idea. New sites would never be able to climb up your list. Reset is not just a good idea, its absolutely necessary for a fair toplist ranking.
as it says in your admin settings, ranking period is: daily/weekly/monthly

there is no option to rank "forever", furthermore if you think about this for a while you will realize that ranking forever is a terrible idea. New sites would never be able to climb up your list. Reset is not just a good idea, its absolutely necessary for a fair toplist ranking.

Alright that makes sense to me.

Though whats the option for ranking period: overall for then?


Staff member
indeed, you are correct, i am mistaken, you can rank your list by "overall".

I tested on my list and sure enough the list is ordered by overall hits from all time. Working as you expected and how i recommend to not handle it.
indeed, you are correct, i am mistaken, you can rank your list by "overall".

I tested on my list and sure enough the list is ordered by overall hits from all time. Working as you expected and how i recommend to not handle it.

Yeah, taking your advice and after talking it out with members, it is best decided that we allow it to refresh every month. The largest top sites in our niche, our competition has hundreds of dead sites that havent moved from their spot in years due to the thousands of votes they still have one. Thats one of the reasons why people came over.

Live and learn.

Thanks again Mark :)!


Staff member
Mark yea, we still have that option listed in admin, but its obsolete. Once choosen, the ranking overwrites it
    if ($CONF['ranking_period'] == 'overall') {
      $ranking_period = 'daily';
Need to be removed from admin next version


Staff member
that is correct, there are 3 functions

new_day - resets at 12:01
new_week - resets Sunday
new_month - resets on the first day of the month

these are called comparing the results from PHP date function:

$current_week = date('W', $time);

if ($last_new_week != $current_week) {
//must be a new week, lets reset the list