Why are you stealing money from me?


New Member
Seriously, I check my email to see you have taken money from my paypal account. I already paid for this product ages ago, so why the hell are you taking more money from me when I don't even use your software anymore?

I want my money back right now!!


Active Member
You may have had the software on a yearly re-purchase rotation. It is your fault if you do not cancel the subscription.


New Member
I would never knowingly subscribe to a yearly recurring billing. I thought the payment was a one off payment. IF I had known I would had cancelled the subscription the day I bought the software.


Staff member
1 user in 100 fails to read what is clearly a subscription, you can also review/manage active subscriptions in your paypal account.

The checkout page, the confirmation email, the invoice, and the receipt all clearly indicate a yearly recurring subscription, there was an option for a 1 time payment you chose the subscription and that is what you got.

Words like "stealing" are not called for, its your lack of reading ability to blame here, we stole nothing,

that said, I have refunded your last payment in full and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Good day.


New Member
Thank you for the refund and I apologise for the words I choose. To be fair, I just looked at my old paypal and email receipts and there is no mention of recurring subscription. I don't know about the checkout page because to be honest I can't remember that far back. I know you guys changed a lot to the site after I made my initial purchase so maybe you added all the info after, I'm not sure. Anyway, apologies again for acting hastily, I don't have much cash as it is and panicked and went the wrong way around doing things.

Thanks again for the refund, it is much appreciated.