Website Reviews?


OK, here's what I did...

Added {$disqus_comments_count} to both files again.
I added the code right after {$rankings_custom_fields} in both files.
After uploading the files to my serer I went to admin and checked the Disqus box marked "Display comments count? Used by rankings"
Then I went to my site and made a couple of test posts after logging in to Disqus with Google+. (I only have two members and only have the Disqus code on the Stats.html pages.)
I then closed everything and cleared my cache so I could go back to my site as a "not logged in" viewer of my site and looked again for a post count.
There is a post count but I think that might be part of Disqus.
I don't see a post count anywhere else.



Am I correct in assuming that table row and table top row work like adbreak and adbreak_top where it shows one for the first however many topskin members ...and then all the rest?


Staff member
For the first xx member on page 1, yea.
So if you have 25 member per page but 30 for top skin, still only 25 will be used


New Member
Today got messages a review was posted thought whuttttt :eek:

where do the do that i cant find it -- and most important how do i swich it of or remove the option to post a review /comment


Active Member
Disqus kinda suck nowdays, because you need either to pay 10$ monthly membership or ads will appear above and below the chat which is bad for user experience


New Member
ok do u know how i can disable the revieuwe fuction so no new reviews can be added
already got a new review this morning pff -- now i remove them in the DB but best would be to not have them at all


Active Member
ok do u know how i can disable the revieuwe fuction so no new reviews can be added
already got a new review this morning pff -- now i remove them in the DB but best would be to not have them at all
Into your skin folder you should have few files REVIEWS and you can open that code and comment or just rename the file names