Morus ,
License Active
Hi all,
One of million ranking websites for mmorpg games :) I organised it on different way most people here. I created subdomain for each game instead of using Category option included in Visiolist core. Main website is telling all about what rankings are available including links to forum (see here: )
The one that I'm concentrating the most is

Done so far:
  • new template based on Dark Ice
  • Background change to my needs
  • Premium Member option added
  • Premium Listning added (thanks to Mark and Basti for directions of creating this plugin)
  • Google +
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Change the look of gateway.html by implementing Adscaptcha
  • adding extra vote banners for people.
  • Vote message implemented
  • Screen Shots
  • Join Date plugin changed (Basti)
  • Newest member plugin
  • New Featured Member plugin added - disabled at the moment (conversion of existing newest member plugin)
  • Carousel plugin added for premium Accounts
  • SEO
  • new plugin MemberServerInfo added for website needs (thanks to Basti for help) showing stats of each member, etc (example:
  • Advert option added to ranking list
  • main website updated including auto advert option
  • Aion website updated to 0.8 visiolist and also auto advert added
  • WoW website updated to 0.8 visiolist and also auto advert added
  • Forum updated and few new mods added

    Update December​
  • Dynamic Stats Button changed to needs ( )
  • Accepting host name as well as IP address during registration process (thanks Basti)
On the to-do-list

Shawn Hagan

i like your work here. especially like th eadvertsing option. is that a plugin somewhere I might be able to obtain?

Morus ,
License Active
It is not a plugin it is a ready paid script. Not sure if I can place the name of the script here with the link as it might be criptoadvert :)
Mark or Basti need to give me permission to do it.

Shawn Hagan

actually after looking at in in more depth, seems a bit more than i really need. maybe i cant get mark to make me a plugin. Mark if you read this. would you be willing to make a linkable page say "advertise with us: that gives a advertiser a option to purchase adspace with options. one being a global adspace where it shows on every page in a set location. and also offer banner space between user banner spaces. on a per page. so for example if i have my site set to 25 users per page showing.. i could set the ads to be placed at intervals of 1, 8,19 so there would be ad space roughly in thirds of the servers listed. so a advertiser would need to be able to select where to place there ad, like what category, and what slot position and what pages. for example ine is a top 100.. so in theory there should be 4 pages showing for each category.. and of course I coudl admin side dictate the price point for each slot which would be visible to a advertiser when they got to purchase, and of course use the already set up paypal visiolist supports. so one user side page, and one admin side configurable. hope you look at this.

Morus ,
License Active
The plugin would be to big for it, I asked Mark about it before. That is why I used outside script. The one I'm using is not really expensive (no more than 10 euro) and it is perfect for the advert. Also easy to implement.

Morus ,
License Active
Just add new column to .css. Call it rightmenu or something similar. I will be back on Friday from holiday so I can paste the code here for you.

Morus ,
License Active
.css part of the file,
as you can see you have original left sidebar called "#sidebar", below it I added "#sidebarright"
/* Style Sidebar */
#sidebar {
    float: left;
    width: 280px;
    padding: 0 10px;
    margin: 0;
    border-right: 1px solid #fff;
#sidebarright {
    float: right;
    width: 250px;
    padding: 0 0px;
    margin: 0;
    border-left: 1px solid #fff;
in wrapper.html you just palce this
    <div id="sidebarright">
here you can place what you want
now just play around with sizes to get what you want. dont forget to make #wrapper in .css file bigger if you want to have 2 sidebars.
Good luck


I put this code

<div id="sidebarright"> here you can place what you want </div>
in the wrapper.html but nothing has changed, can you tell me exactly where to place this code obtenire the menu right dimension.

thank you in advance


Active Member
License Active
you added the css code to user.css ?
#sidebarright {
    float: right;
    width: 250px;
    padding: 0 0px;
    margin: 0;
    border-left: 1px solid #fff;

Morus ,
License Active
in dark ice template it is screen, but yes add it to user.css


yes I have added the code in user.css

body {


p {




fieldset {

legend {


/* Color of links */
a, a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {

a:hover {


#wrapper {

#header {


#headside {


#headbanner {


#navigation {


/* Style Sidebar */

#sidebar {


#sidebarright {
float: right;
width: 250px;
padding: 0 0px;
margin: 0;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;

/* Style Footer */

#foot {


#foot a, #foot a:link,#foot a:visited,#foot a:hover,#foot a:active {

#foot a:hover {


#foot h3 {


.formbox {


/* Style Boxes */
.box {


/* Headings */

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {


h1.heading {


h3.heading {


.heading a {

.heading a:hover {


/* Hyper Links */

#login-top a {


#login-top a:hover {


#navigation li a {

#navigation li a:hover {

#user_cp_main_menu {


#user_cp_main_menu a {


/* Menu Manager */
/* Each menu created in the admin panel
will be assigned a class ending with
the menu's unique id. menu-0, menu-1 etc */

.menu-0 li{


/*Category Menu*/

.category_menu li{


/* */

.site-list li {

.site-list li a,.site-list a{


/* Table Defaults */

.premium_table_top {


.premium_title {

.premium_inside_border {


.premium_inside {


.premium_badge {


/* table top Style */

.table_top {


.table_top_title {

.table_top_inside_border {


.table_top_inside {


.table_top_inside span.rank {


.badge {


/* common backgrounds */
.darkbg {

.mediumbg {

.lightbg {

.lightbgalt {



.pagination {

.pag_links {


.join_edit_error {

} { } { }

.screenshot {


Morus ,
License Active
it looks like you placed it to user1.css try to add it to main .css

Morus ,
License Active
Want to show the differents of measurment between Alexa and Google Analytisc. All based on last 28 days.

Alexa first:

Unique Visitors:
unique visitors.png

And now google analytics:
