VisioList 1.0


Staff member
I dont get you, what is your issue? You dont see the latest version? or current version is wrong?
If latest version i told to check your error log for hints.

If current, what about the frontend? also displays old version? Checked VL_etc table to see what displays there?
Another user had the issue that he did not overwrote old index.php, also check that

Morus ,
License Active
its ok now i didnt overwrite index.php but in the guidance provided by Mark it is staying to not overwrite index.php when updating.

look quote
Update Instructions Method 2 - Fresh And Clean Upgrade *Recommended*
(despite the long, detailed instructions, this method is very easy, keeps your site files organized and has big security benefits, for those reasons this is my favorite method for major updates like this one where nearly every file has been modified)

- Take a backup of your files and database in case something goes wrong

- Upload a temporary index.php file to show your visitors that the site is being worked on.

Login with FTP
/skins/ - rename to skins_OLD
/images/ - rename to images_OLD

delete everything other than:

/languages/english.php (and any other languages you might use)
* any other files you have personally added

* the renaming of the /skins/ and /images/ folder is so you can reintegrate changes in your child themes and your images while still being able to use any new images included in the new version. more on this soon.


Staff member
Uh, never noticed that. Good spot. If you edit your index.php you obviously need to replace it. Ill correct that. cheers


Staff member
read those instructions again. If your going to follow them, follow them ALL, not just some.

- Upload a temporary index.php file to show your visitors that the site is being worked on.
