Hello, this is Destiny from OSEmpire Forum, maybe Mark and Basti still know me

. I am coding a new toplist with visio atm. I looked at disqus but I don't like it at all, so I recoded the system of visiolist. I run into this Problem at first: Once you turn on review moderation, the Rating eg. Stars, will be saved to the DB of the users site, even if you delete the review in the admin panel, because of a spammer.
Soooo, I recoded the rating and comment system: Ratings are stored with the Reviews in the same table now. If you delete the review in the admin panel, it will also delete the rating. If you approve it, the user rating will be added to the actual rating of the site the user rated for. If you delete the review after you have approved it, it will just subtract the rating from the site and you are good to go. I have recoded alot of stuff and added gravatar profilepictures, autograbbing usernames aso. Once I am finished with everything, I will try to help others with the rating issue. My site isn't finished at all, because I have to complete the tags system and some other core features like adding facebook API for login to rate etc, but I can show you a screenshot of the Rate & Review page.