Toplist will not send any email.


New Member
I installed my toplist and it will not send any email out. It indicates that emails are sitting in the
queue to be sent.

I've set up test accounts from the toplist to two different working email accounts and recieve nothing.

I set up my smtp setting according to my host. Is there something else I should try?



New Member
Looks as if I can get it to send email Non-SSL Settings however my host does not recommend this. My host recommends Secure SSL/TLS Settings but the list will not send via Secure SSL/TLS Settings.


Staff member
Hello, SSL/TLS settings should work just fine (tested with cpanel defaults and gmail and both are working).

Please ensure your SMTP port and host are accurate, once confirmed, check your error log for clues.

$mail->Host = $CONF['smtp_host'];
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Port = $CONF['smtp_port'];
$mail->Username = $CONF['smtp_user'];
$mail->Password = $CONF['smtp_password'];
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
I'm able to send email manually, but my test account never gets any automatic email so I assume my SMTP is correctly configured? If so which one is the error log for email?
Thank you.