Title template problem


New Member
I don't know yet how to change the title from "Rankings - All sites - 'My title from admin settings' " to just my title.

For example on the homepage i have changed the title in the admin settings to: xprivateservers.com

I want the homepage to be titled something like this:
Xprivateservers.com - top list for private servers

And the other pages be something like this:
Metin2 private servers - xprivateservers.com

The current format in wrapper.html is :
Thanks in advance :D


Staff member
The way you think it not gonna work. On one page you want the listname in front, on the other at the end. Thats simply no doable.
In case of listname at the end, like you have it in wrapper, you can do...

look in admin language editor
1) Phrase: main_all
- It is the text "All Sites", change that too: "top list for private servers"
2) Phrase: main_header
- It is the text "Rankings", change that to: " private servers" ( keep the whitespace ). This one, although not its purpose, we gonna use to suffix categories with text.

3) Upload the plugin
4) Please put a whitespace bfore and after "-" in wrapper.html title. Google might see the current as long one word ( not sure). But 100% not nice to read ;)

