The Dark Elegant Collection


Active Member
Hi Guys!

As a New Years Present to all of you i would like to contribute the following skins to the community for use on their Visiolist Skins! You may use them as much as you want and modify the templates how ever you want but you may not pass them off as your own work and you may not sell them or distribute them without my prior permission.

I would be grateful if my linkback would remain intact, unmodified & dofollow as i have invested a lot of time and money into these templates, and if you do keep the linkback i will keep you updated with updates for as long as i am a member on this forum! :)

In the Package you will get all 5 variations of the template, red/blue/green/orange/purple & the logo PSD's with fonts.

Blue Variation:

Green Variation:

Orange Variation:

Purple Variation:

Red Variation:

Please Enjoy the Skins! :)

Credits: Basti for Coding the templates <3 (no homo)



Staff member
I am going to recommend (for the sake of making these skins as easy to maintained as possible) we take these 5 themes and roll 1 "parent" theme and either use optional CSS/Image folders to handle the color variations. OR we make use of the "Child themes" function.

I am happy to help with this if you like Bart, I realize it takes some getting used to, but in this case its well worth doing


Active Member
I am going to recommend (for the sake of making these skins as easy to maintained as possible) we take these 5 themes and roll 1 "parent" theme and either use optional CSS/Image folders to handle the color variations. OR we make use of the "Child themes" function.

I am happy to help with this if you like Bart, I realize it takes some getting used to, but in this case its well worth doing
That would be great :) Thanks Mark!

Thanks for share Bart
Dont forget light design guys :D
Feel free to create some light designs :)


Active Member
i can only create as PSD, but converting to HTML and converting as VL skin would be hard for me


Active Member
Thanks :) 0.8 at the moment but i will be upgrading it soon, I'll be taking Mark up on the offer of making it all into 1 skin :)

Morus ,
Hi Bart,

If you can add {$front_page_top}
that is for Carousel2 plugin. Needs to be added to wrapper.html otherwise plugin will not be showed. :)


Staff member
            <form id="search" action="{$list_url}/" method="get" onsubmit="return false;">
                <input type="hidden" name="a"  value="search" />
                <input type="text" name="q" class="searchbox" value="{$query}" />
                <button type="submit" class="button1" value="" onclick="window.location.href=this.form.action + '{$url_helper_a}' + this.form.a.value + '{$url_helper_q}' + encodeURIComponent(this.form.q.value).replace(/(%20|%2F|\%26)+/g, '+').replace(/^[\+]|[\+]$/g, '') + '{$url_tail}';">Search</button>
            <div class="clear"></div>
Either delete hole nav, or just remove {$category_menu}

            <article class="grid_4">
for the footer


Active Member
I Think someone needs to make more designs --- :p
Mate, stop expecting things to magically turn up for you to use, this is the second time you've mentioned it in this thread alone.
Your attitude is really annoying and frustrating.


Active Member
Bart i think you have a problem,

If I wanted design i would buy design, 50$ or 100$ doesnt make any difference in my life.
If there was more designs as VL Skins - im sure that will attract more visitors and customers.
I always want uniques no matter what, and look into your topsite -
So actually you are the one who needs unique design

Harris Marfel

Top 100 Online Gaming
Bart i think you have a problem,

If I wanted design i would buy design, 50$ or 100$ doesnt make any difference in my life.
If there was more designs as VL Skins - im sure that will attract more visitors and customers.
I always want uniques no matter what, and look into your topsite -

So actually you are the one who needs unique design
i need a unique design to :p


Active Member
Bart i think you have a problem,

If I wanted design i would buy design, 50$ or 100$ doesnt make any difference in my life.
If there was more designs as VL Skins - im sure that will attract more visitors and customers.
I always want uniques no matter what, and look into your topsite -

So actually you are the one who needs unique design
If 50$ or 100$ do not make a difference in your life then please go ahead, create a skin release it to the public instead of repeatedly posting subtle hints for someone but you to create more skins for the community, this is what bugs me.

I have decided to leave Maxleech just the way it is for the time being as i am working on bigger projects. Maxleech has a nice and constant traffic flow and I'm happy with the basic layout modified and just for the record "The Dark Collection" is a unique theme in a way so why would i need another?