TBFM Music Directory


Mucka Jay
We have a slightly different topsites for our first attempt at VL so thought we'd share it.


This is a music directory site so its less about voting and more about a network so it works for us. We still have a bit to do like adding the overall stats in the footer, padding the screenshot in the stats pages so they do not sit on the edge, change a few more of the colours to get them to our gold style like our logo and a few other little niggling bits!

Let us know what you think


Staff member
I know its there for a reason, but the autoplay music caused me to close the window immediately, when i turned my speakers down and reopened for another look, I realize the music restarts with every page I view... outta here :) as a visitor, I am of the opinion (and its just my opinion) that no website should behave like that.

otherwise it looks great!


Mucka Jay
Would music prefer to have an iframe at the top or bottom so it doesn't do that but its a bit more work. The site is for people interested in music though so they won't mind I don't think.

Anything else?


Staff member
For the record Music is a passion of mine, been playing guitar for 15+ years :)

I recognized and like the song playing on your online radio too, but still the usability of not being able to mute only your window to prevent it from playing over top of my own music was a serious UX issue. In my case i had to choose between pausing the song I was listening too, or close your window... Since you said its less about the voting and more about the network I assume that meant your looking for repeat visits and interaction with visitors via comments etc. if so, I cant help but feel that autoplay radio is a serious interaction killer. I will say no more on the topic :)


Mucka Jay
The radio player is staying but it remembers your choices now so if you mute the music player, it stays muted on all pages and every time you come back. We have seen a very positive rise in new links since we turned to VL with over 50 added in the past 4 weeks.


Active Member
Suggestion: " Maybe add Adsense ? "

Also was wondering: main page is responsive, why dont ask your designers to add extra code?


Active Member
Your main page got responsive design, now when you navigate to toplist, its not responsive.
You can ask you codders to add extra code into CSS file, to make your toplist responsive too

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
div#wrapper { width: 400px; }