Stats Plugin


New Member
I have been running an Aardvark topsites for years but the problem has always been stats not being correct using the image etc.
I have looked at this free stats script: is there a way to build this in to the system??
With a stats script like this free members can get basic stats, premium members can get a far great dashboard of stats.

A way to move people from free to premium is to give them value and this would.

Please let me know




Staff member
HI Wayne, anything is possible given enough time, but in this case I'm not sure I see the value in adding this. I have always found Aardvarks button.php to be very accurate for stats. Hits in/out would be the only stats that might not always be perfect (piwik wouldnt change that either) but each time button.php is loaded it counts as a pageview, if the IP address is already in the database then its not unique. I dont see how this can be inaccurate, can you give an example of how we might be able to reproduce an actual inaccuracy in stats?

Further, Google has crushed the analytics market, I'm not sure anyone would anyone join a topsite let alone pay for premium membership just for analytics. I could be wrong though. Development time is tight, so I carefully consider where we invest our time, I appreciate your suggestion, I'm just not sure I see the value in this one.


New Member
Hi Mark

Thanks for the quick response, greatly appreciated. We have been running the latest aardvark script for years and we constantly get complaints that the stats are incorrect, they don't match Google analytics hence the reason for a better stats solution. Having better stats for each listing would also show where people are coming from and where they go after looking at the topsite listing so it just more information that a listing can use to their advantage.

I don't have reply rights on the forum so I could not ask a question about the Google Analytics plugin: Is the plugin for the site in general or is the Google Analytics plug for each topsite listing to bring their stats in using their own GA code via the GA API? If it is their own GA code to pull their stats in thats awesome and you would not need Piwik stats system. However Piwik could give you overall stats per category to compare sites in same category etc but that not major.

Your new system looks awesome, I was wondering when a fork or new system would come out. I also see that the demo is on vs0.7 but I read on the forum vs1., is vs 1 released or still in development?

Please let me know about the GA plugin.




Staff member
Hi Wayne, I think the Google analytics plugin here just lets the admin add his ad code from the admin panel, its not connecting to the API or anything.

Some of the differences in traffic stats could be attributed to Google Analytics filtering out bots etc which the topsite button.php does not do, and of course all analytics software shows different results anyway (comparing raw server logs to Google analytics reveals many inaccuracies as well). Oddly I have run many popular topsites over the past 10 years and have never had a complaint about inaccurate stats, maybe just the niches I was in.

Tracking referral URLs is easy enough, we would just need to extend the existing code to store this. Tracking where a visitor leaves and being able to display that is also doable also, but again I question the real value of this data VS the time to code and the performance impact of adding these additional queries. When you join a topsite do you really want to see that the visitors you send to the topsite to "vote" for you are heading out to the #1 or #2 ranked site on the list? I suspect this data would do more harm than good.

At this time, Version 0.7 is the latest release, I cant imagine where you read we are at version 1 already our downloads section is pretty clear where we are as far as past and current releases.

thanks for the feedback!