Stats Icon For Search Results


One thing that I find my members doing is a search for their website using the search function on my topsite. They do this to find their stats and to see where they are ranked (If they can't find themselves on the front page). Once they find their website in the search results, they only have the link that directs them to the their own website.
I think it would be helpful if the stats icon/link would be located in the search results. I added it myself, but I have to re add it every-time we have an update. Anyways, I think that would be useful for other topsites also.


Staff member
I was never a fan of the standart search results page and always pimped it up. As we make style tweaks anyways here and there that page will be overhauled a little. Thanks for you intput Boardhopper, always helpful :)


Staff member
agreed, we'll beef up the search results to include a stats link and a more helpful overview
What about adding the screen grab? I would like the results to look like the category display. It could include the Category.

The twitter and Facebook links should be added too.


Active Member
I would also like to see both Boardhopper's & Marks suggestions going into the main script, i think it would be a good feature :)