[Stats] Description edit


Active Member
Ive checked today WMT, and i have few notifications about short meta description.

1. I have check stats.html - but i couldnt find from where loads the meta description, i belive can be handeled by plugin.
I have simple suggestion how to fix short meta description:
{$description} - {$title}
Anyone can make this kind of plugin?

2. I dont know why users are indexed in Multiple categorys, and they have registered on other:

Thank you


Staff member
Stats meta description is members website description. If its short, its cos the member is lazy -.- . Not much you can do about it. Normaly any member description easily reach 150 chars, which is suggested max.

What is that with the categories? that are not the default stats urls. There isnt even the category part in it
Did you installed VL into several subfolders ( category/aion/ etc etc ) ? Only reason i see that they can register on multiple categories, since all the lists are standalone