Some ideas - need feedback


Ok, some (maybe repetitive for some) background : i am the owner of an extremly small and nisched toplist. It is built with very little knowhow but a lot of love :) My members are not really that much into SEO or computors, So I have had a hard time motivating HitsIn, adding linkcode and marketing their site to them etc.... My idea here is a merge between a discussion me and Mark had some time ago on the forum about social network, the plugin for Vote Maaging and a membership in a clan that actually financially rewarded great suggestions and interactions.....

Ok, so - my vision comes in 2 phases:
1) First I want to start using HitsIn as a new form of inlist currency. Like on fb = 5 hitsin, Contribute a new listmember 10 hitsin, give an insanely good suggestion, 20 hitsIn etc etc The list will be ranked on HitsIn still, so hopefully people will be motivated to actively promote their and my site! The option will also exist to buy premium membership with hitsIn instead of money!

2) Speaking of withdrawal, next phase really need some solid work on security and safety, but if I pull it of I belive it would be a huge success and motivator! Idea: The option to transfer HitsIn to real money....! 1000 HitsIn = 20$ for example. Withdraw an only be done when you got >50$. Another idea is to take half of possible income from ads ad premium and give it back to listmembers in shares. If you hold 10% of all HitsIn in january you then recieve 10% of the income that month etc.

So what do you think? Am I insane or could this actually work? I thouht I get some feedback before I get too emotional invested in this^^

Ps Written on my iPad in ed. So if it does not make sense it is all me....


Staff member
well some of this is really good idea, as you mentioned I had developed a "points" system that rewards users for activity and I believe this is a very useful way to motivate members. points can be redeemed for ad space, upgrades, traffic etc. All of this I am 100% in support of and still plan on porting such a system over to VisioList asap.

To me, the idea however of paying out cash in exchange for hitsIN or points is mostly "insane" as you put it :) no matter how much security you try and implement some people will find ways to abuse it. Abusing for ad impressions is bad enough, but for hard earned cash its just not worth it. That said, there might be other ways to financially reward active members... hmm


Thank you for your support Mark! Looking forward to your system in the future! In the meantime I will implement mine :)
The other thing - with financial gain just to show you that it is not an original idea but has been done: (In Swedish or Norwegian, maybe try google translation). The site is BIG, however that does not mean that there is no abuse.......


Active Member
The only part i agree with is the revenue share part, digitalpoint did something like this a while back where they awarded users part of the ad income based on how many times their thread was viewed, it is a good idea but will most likely get abused.

I'd suggest going for the free option which is focusing on SEO as much as possible and then watch them fight over your traffic.


Mark & Bart: I have my own ideas about how abuse would easily happen here. But I would love to here with your words where you see the greatest risk for abuse!


Staff member
the way to handle revenue sharing would be more like how Bart mentioned about how DP handled it, you get people to supply their Google adsense publisher ID and ensure all ads on the page are using that members ID. This way Google pays the revenue share instead of the site admin.


Active Member
Yeah, i.e that member gets paid every time someone views their stats page or views adverts on the main page using their in vote link or if you have the exit page plugin installed every time someone views their ad on that.