Site using "LetsEncrypt" , issue no lock, i information shows jpg files not encrypted


New Member
Okay, I had an issue installing Visio List using encrypted website where it does not show a lock. Google considered it , Not secure.

My shared host reseller sent this solution which appears to work for domain which is using a "Lets Encrypt" free SSL certificate, there are probably other methods but this appears to work.

For Apache web servers on Linux, add the following lines to the .htaccess file (or files) that you use on your website, which I did using notepad++ from :

######## upgrades insecure requests such as toyour jpg files
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests;"


Staff member
thanks for posting this.
As an aside, if you install the script with https:// there will be no problem. If you install with http:// then decide to use https after installation, you will need to update the banner URL's stored in the database to use https:// instead of http://

If you want to take the burden off of apache on every request and remove the .htaccess line, this should do the trick:

1) In your admin settings, update your list url from http to https
2) also admin settings -> button settings: same thing, update all button path's to https
3) You need to run a few mysql queries to update member banners/mp4 etc.
You can do so by logging into phpmyadmin, select your database, then SQL tab at top
UPDATE `VL_sites` SET `banner_url` = REPLACE(banner_url, 'http://', 'https://');
UPDATE `VL_sites` SET `premium_banner_url` = REPLACE(premium_banner_url, 'http://', 'https://');
UPDATE `VL_sites` SET `mp4_url` = REPLACE(mp4_url, 'http://', 'https://');
UPDATE `VL_sites` SET `premium_mp4_url` = REPLACE(premium_mp4_url, 'http://', 'https://');