Selectable Drop Down list for Categories


New Member
Hi All,

Is it possible to replace the category list in the side bar with a selectable drop down list? Basically I'd like to reclaim realestate and replace the following with a selectable drop down list:
<h3 class="heading">{$lng->a_skins_categories}</h3>

I've tried with {$categories_menu} and it provides the drop down list but i can't seem to get it to work as I'm not sure how to then take the selection and action it. I can just select a category and thats it.

Many thanks,


Staff member
The use of it is offically not supported anymore, since its a leftover from the old aardvark script. It remains in the code and can be used, but it might leads to errors. If so report them, we might be able to do something.
<form action="index.php" method="get">
    <input type="submit" value="{$lng->g_form_submit_short}" />


New Member
Where exactly does the $categories_menu tag live.. Meaning where does it get it's data from? Does the $ sign denote a value in Sql table or is it calling a script... I'm really struggling to understand and I'm certainly looking for the answers online.

I ask because when the categories menu shows up on the page the default value shown is --> Anime :: Manga

Now thats not one of my categories and I'd like to get rid of it.

Thanks again....


Staff member
$categories_menu is built from a query in sources/misc/skin.php

in your case however it looks like you have an old version of english.php that was released with a bad phrase definition (sorry about that). Fortunately its an easy fix.

login to admin -> content -> manage languages

search for: main_all

click Edit.

Set the definition to All Sites or something similar

with that, you should be good to go