The original coding was carried out with the function:
$description = utf8_htmlspecialchars (utf8_htmlspecialchars (utf8_substr ($site ['description'], 0, 255)));
function utf8_htmlspecialchars ($string)
return htmlspecialchars ($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
In fact, it performs 2 times the encoding for the same area ???
An error in this script, which is however widely used, it is the Arfooo script (directory)
My tests were carried out with the Arfooo feed on one of my directories, so I corrected the problem upstream.
$description = utf8_htmlspecialchars (utf8_substr ($site ['description'], 0, 255));
For the Visiolist part, it works well (gg to developers)
I keep your piece of code in stock just in case!
not easy to manage things that come from outside like flows or others!
Thank you for your perseverance