

Although I have been thinking of actually enable reviews although you advice against it (stubborn I know...) I have not yet done so. But I have noticed some oddities:

1) Once or twice I get spam reviews waiting for approval. How do they "get in" if there is no enabled option for review?
2) The most odd thing of all - today I saw that one of my members have actually got A REAL review. I know it is real because a) its in Swedish and b) it is personal and c) it makes total sense. As you know spam-reviews are the total opposite of that. So my question is: How on earth did the reviewer manage that???


Staff member
I assume its because either at one time reviews were enabled, OR a user is familiar with ATS and they went to URL for posting reviews and simply posted it.


No, reviews have never been enabled. But if it is like the second option that is really creepy. And how do you explain that it is in Swedish and so personal? I have seen really bad bot-spam both here and for comments on blogs. Total jibberish. But this, tbh I would not be able to tell the difference from a real one! What is the URL for reviews btw?


Found it. Thank you! Still boggles me why anyone would go through all this trouble writing GOOD ans SENSIBLE reviews as a spam.... I have an english list as well and during fall there were this period where I over a period of days recieved over 15 reviews for DIFFERENT users over just 3 days. Yes, there could have been coincidence but I dont think so. But I read through them and although they are sometimes lenghty they are sound and make sense. No rambling, no links.... So question again: Why on earth????????


Staff member
they probably thought they would find a way to get a review when nobody else did. With the old review system I noticed quickly (and often) that the vast majority of reviews were posted by the owners of the site, and negatvie rebviews were posted by other members (their competition) which is why that feature has been disabled, it has never seemed to encourage good content.